Lethean July 1 Update

Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2019


Over the past month our Development team has been working on creating a more sleek interface for our VPN client. The new interface showcases the locations of each node on a map, with the ability to easily and effectively locate and connect to an exit node. We are in the process of integrating these features into the wallet as we speak, and we will make sure to release a stand-alone article notifying the community once this has been completed. You can see how this new interface will look below.

We are still working on the Mobile VPN. However, we are taking our time to ensure that the funds set aside for this development are being used in the best way possible. We want to ensure that our current product, the desktop VPN, is as easy to use as possible. From there, we can finalize the set up of the mobile wallet and VPN. As we continue to move forward and see continued growth and use, we will continue our efforts on the Mobile VPN.


Our marketing team has been working on new methods to ensure that we continue to increase our brand awareness, as increased awareness will garner new users and more liquidity. With that in mind, we are finalizing a new incentivization plan to aid in our brand exposure and generating new users.

Within the coming month, we will be opening a referral/ambassador program. The referral and ambassador program will be focusing on countries that need VPNs the most. Members that choose to be ambassadors or use our referral program will earn rewards for the people that they refer. In addition to the ambassador and referrer earning a reward for referring Lethean, the person being referred will also earn a reward. This should incentivise the use of our product and create awareness and growth respectively. We are in the final stages of creating this initiative, and we are looking for people who would be interested in participating. If you are interested in being part of the ambassador program and or the referral program, please contact us by email at contact at lethean dot io (contact@lethean.io). Please use the subject line “Ambassador program” and include your location in the body of the email. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact a team member on Discord or Telegram to show your interest. We are specifically looking for ambassadors and referrers from the Asia-Pacific region, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Tibet, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam.

You may recall that we had a similar program previously that did not come to fruition. We believe that the direction of our previously implemented ambassador program was hindered due to the lack of a functional product. Now that we have a product available to use, we are excited to release a reimagined version of the ambassador program, in addition to a referral program.

As our plan develops we will also be creating a new Gleam campaign which will be focusing on promoting the referral/ambassador program as well as the Lethean VPN usage in general.

Ask the team questions:

We wanted to take the time to respond to some of the questions that have been asked by our community members in our Discord. These questions we felt were the most important for our community to hear about from us.

  • What about honeypod and when they ship their hardware to us?

We have not yet received information about when our team will receive hardware from Honeypod. We are still in the process of finalizing that information. As we know more, and hear from them, we will keep our community informed.

  • What about mobile wallet/vpn?

As mentioned in the development section, the Mobile wallet and Mobile VPN is being reviewed. We realize that the community is very interested in having this available to use and so are we. However, at this particular time, we do not see enough demand for our existing product for us to invest the resources and time into completing the development. That is not to say that we will not proceed with it at a later time. Our current goal for development is to create a simple easy to use experience on desktop, so we can translate that success to our Mobile wallet and VPN. A stable and easy to use desktop product allows us to capture a stronger userbase and create additional demand. We are aware that providing users with software that is convenient and straightforward to use and has a sleek interface is very important, and is a required step to achieve before we reach mass adoption!

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Lethean combines Blockchain and VPN services into a powerful decentralized privacy solution. https://lethean.io/