Website and Software Version 3 Launch, Survey, and Resources

6 min readOct 1, 2018


As you are already aware, we have had a number of changes occur in the past two months. These changes have been both challenging and exciting for the team. The new and old faces joining our content creation, marketing, and social media teams are excited and have been working hard to push us to new heights. In conjunction with our marketing and social media teams being hard at work, our development team has been continuing their dedicated work on the Browser Extension. We would like to share some of the wonderful things that we have been doing these past two weeks for our community.

New wallet and Browser Extension release

Lethean Wallet v3.0.0.b2 Showing ‘Waiting’ screen after purchasing proxy access from an exit node

Today marks the release of Version 3.0.0.b2 of the Lethean wallet, Browser Extension and dispatcher. Upgrading to version 3 of the wallet is mandatory to continue using the Proxy/Browser Extension features. Many bugs were fixed and some new features were added:

● The wallet now checks with the remote exit node to determine if payment was received and will indicate this information to the user.

● The browser extension is more user friendly, and should no longer give ‘false’ disconnects when browsing certain websites. It also will display information in the extension about the remote node it is connected to.

● Connections between clients and exit nodes should be more stable.

● Dispatcher management of funds paid by users should be improved.

● A rush patch of the command line wallet (CLI) went out two days ago to address the critical ‘burn bug’ found by Monero. We have notified TradeOgre and to update their wallet and resume trading.

Lethean Browser Extension

While we are still considering this iteration of version 3 to be in “beta” (hence the b2 designation, signifying beta 2), we have squashed all major bugs and are anticipating very few bug fixes in the next 1–2 weeks before pushing a final version 3. Today’s release only supports Windows, Linux and Chrome.

This week, we are focusing on releasing the wallet for Mac and Browser Extension for Firefox, as some bugs prevented support for these platforms from making this week’s release. Functionality should be nearly identical between the three operating systems (Windows, Linux and Mac) and two browsers (Chrome and Firefox) that we fully support, so we are not expecting significant bugs.

To update your wallet, please download the latest version from the Lethean GUI Wallet GitHub releases page.

If you are using the Browser Extension installed from the Chrome Web store, the extension is auto updating and no action is required on your part. It can take up to 24–48 hours to auto update, or check out this article to manually trigger an update for Chrome extensions.

Roadmap rework

In the interest of transparency, we have revised our roadmap to better reflect where we’ve been, where we are, and where we plan to go over the coming quarters. This roadmap covers everything from planned software developments to overall market goals. The roadmap can be found on our website here. We hope that this newly polished document helps keep the community well-informed on what we have planned for the future.


We are conducting a survey in order to help pinpoint our target demographic. This should help us narrow down who exactly uses, plans to use, or is using VPNs, why they are using them, and if they plan to use our own VPN services as they come. This information will be helpful in our upcoming marketing efforts, as it will shed light on who needs the product the most, why they need it, and what approximate area they are located in as well. In addition, users taking this survey will be able to help shape the product so that it better fits any needs that may not be fulfilled by more traditional VPN services.

Going forward, we will be opening a separate monthly survey as well so that we may stay in touch with the community, their concerns, and their feedback. This monthly survey is intended to help us improve our work using the community’s input, and also to make sure we’re on track to meet our goals. We hope that the survey produces helpful feedback so that we may better align ourselves with everyone’s interests.

Website launch

We are pleased to announce that as of Thursday, September 27th, we kept our 1-week delivery promise from the 9/20 news post and launched our new website, The website had been unfortunately delayed due to reasons touched on in previous monthly updates, but it is now up and running. is now automatically redirecting to our new home at

The new website features a wealth of resources covering who we are, where to download the latest software, specifications on the coin itself, tutorials regarding the software, and more. We hope that the hard work and dedication of our team is reflected by the website’s release. We would like to extend a special thank you to @VGK, @FlöckchenTV, and @RedShadow. Each of these Discord moderators greatly aided us with the website coding. Without them this would not have been possible!

Merch store

We have launched a new merchandise front recently via Shopify. The selection of items is small for now, but as we gauge interest in what potential buyers would want, we will add to our selection. The current items for sale are a T-shirt, a poster, an iPhone case (for generations 6 and up), a drawstring bag, and a coffee mug, all with some form of logo or text on them representing our brand.

You may find the store here.

Youtube videos released

With the release of the website, we also have released some instructional videos on how to download, set up, and operate our software. These videos are designed with our users in mind, and are aimed at providing simple, clear instructions to get users up and running. The videos cover subjects such as how to install a Windows wallet, how to install the Google Chrome Browser Extension, and how to connect to a remote node. You may find them on our Youtube channel here, or on our website in the relevant section to a video’s topic.

Social media

We have given our Reddit page a brand new look to better match our overall aesthetic with some new colors and sleeker formatting. We have added additional links to enhance the visibility of resources for our community.

Our Telegram is growing in population as well. If you haven’t visited already, be sure to do so here. If you need another place to keep up with the most recent news, we also have a channel for announcements here.

You can keep in contact with Lethean via any of the social networks below:




Lethean combines Blockchain and VPN services into a powerful decentralized privacy solution.