An Introduction to Lethonomia

Editor’s Note



My first foray was a lucky one, where I had stumbled by chance into an active and constructive poetry community. I did not know it then, but I had managed to avoid the myriad of vanity publishers, troll-ridden communities and worst of all, so-called writing groups that assume the right to reproduce submitted works at their discretion.

I spent several years as an administrator and moderator in the writing community, before it eventually retired some time ago. The loss of the group at that time had been great enough to inhibit my creativity for several years, but as all bad habits do, my writing made its hopeful return — hour by hour, line by line. Overall, I achieved several small successes to get my poetry in print and online publications. However, my greatest satisfaction had been the return of my writing voice — one that I thought had disappeared beneath my work consciousness.

I still do, however, miss my old poetry community — its easygoing nature, as well as its easy flow of constructive feedback. With this in mind, I am hopeful to bring this spirit back with this venture — the fun of writing and sharing for the sake of it, without expectations.

It is my hope that Lethonomia will be a tale of many cities and their people, expressed in their writing. I hope that the publication will help me to know more about the contributors to the site, and with luck, help me to rediscover old friends and writers long past.





‘Roads & Hotels: Poetry By TashInTheClouds’ is now available on Amazon on Kindle and paperback formats.