
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2017


Points to consider prior to submitting:

  1. Submissions should be performed via your own Medium account.
  2. You must own the writing that you submit.
  3. Submissions must include an image as an illustration, which you must either own or have permission to use (in which case, you must provide accompanying credit). You may use images under Creative Commons license conditions.
  4. Submissions must not include hate speech of any kind, including racism, sexism or personal attacks.
  5. Removal of works from Lethonomia would be at the discretion of the author and/or editor.
  6. Accepted and published submissions would be for single use only. Submitted poems will therefore not be used for any other purposes e.g. marketing etc.
  7. I may suggest changes if there are glaring spelling or punctuation errors, but will not publish these changes without the writer’s consent.

Please note that accepted submissions will be shown according to publication date. If your submitted work already exists within Medium, you will need to copy and paste it onto a new draft and submit this instead. Please note however, that Medium does not like duplicates of content, so you would have to delete your older post to do this (along with any comments and statistical data it may have generated).

How To Apply To Be A Writer for Lethonomia:

  1. Email your interest to
  2. You will need to include your Medium username as part of this email, and a short introduction would also be lovely.
  3. As the editor, I would then be able to approve your status as a writer, after which you would be able to submit your work.

How to Submit Material to Lethonomia :

From Desktop
1. Once your writer status had been confirmed, simply write your story.
2. Before you opt to ‘Publish’, , click on the “…” symbol in the top of your screen. You will see the option to “Add to Publication”. Select this.

3. Once you have selected this, you should see ‘Lethonomia’ as an option. Select it and ‘Submit draft’.

4. Your work has now been submitted to Lethonomia, to join in our little festivities. It will appear on the publication once it has been approved. Please note that it will include either a tag of “Short Story” or “Poetry” to improve its categorization on site.

Submitting from iOS App
1. Write your story.
2. When you’re done writing, tap Next > ➕ Add to publication > choose Lethonomia from list.

Submitting from Android App
Unfortunately, it appears that the Android app allows Medium writers to write their drafts, but not to add the written stories to publications. This would have to be done via desktop.

Happy posting… I hope to hear from you soon.





‘Roads & Hotels: Poetry By TashInTheClouds’ is now available on Amazon on Kindle and paperback formats.