Microsoft Excel — Rules for Designing Excel Workbooks? — Part 1

Every Situation is Different, But Here Are Some Useful Guidelines!

Don Tomoff
Let’s Excel
3 min readMay 3, 2017


Excel — Create a Table of Contents Workbook Index

In this post and future posts, I will be exploring selected items from the list below and HOW I implement them in my Excel development and spreadsheet work.

Why Rules for Spreadsheet design?

Every organization I have worked for, or consulted with, uses Microsoft Excel in their workflow.

Yet, there is typically no standard approach to designing and laying out a spreadsheet.

This is important for several obvious reasons, among them are:

  • Organization — documentation and audit “trail”-the more complex the spreadsheet becomes, the more critical documentation is to the process.
  • Ease of use —for you and others (can others pick up the spreadsheet and use it?)
  • Data and formula integrity — “hard coding” data in formulas, assumptions scattered throughout the workbook, etc. are not only inefficient, but can make the spreadsheet unreliable and error prone.
  • Ease of review — can the spreadsheet be easily reviewed by others for understanding and review purposes?

Where Do I Start?

In the June 2017 Journal of Accountancy, the following question was posed:

“ Q. Is there a list of standard Excel design rules we should be following as we create new Excel worksheets?”

J. Carlton Collins, CPA, a JofA contributing editor, addressed this topic in his monthly “Technology Q&A”. His response, in my opinion, is a helpful “framework” to use whenever you develop spreadsheets.

Here are his 15 “design rules” to consider — which range from very important to “preference” items:


1 — Documentation

2 — Table of Contents (see below)

5 — Well-organized worksheet assumptions

9 — Organize your template by worksheets

11 — Explanations

13 — Add file properties

Ease of Use

3 — Print macro buttons

4 — Avoid embedded assumptions

6 — Assumptions in yellow cells

7 — Name assumption cells

12 — Consistent look and feel

Spreadsheet Data and Formula Integrity

8 — Error-checking formulas

10 — Simplify complex calculations

14 — Cross-footing and error-checking formulas

15 — Worksheet protection

Consider the Table of Contents

I will be exploring selected items from the list and HOW I implement them in my Excel development and spreadsheet work.

I have previously written two posts about creating a worksheet “navigation” index. My approach to the recommended Table of Contents suggestion is a little more comprehensive, but very user friendly and an absolute time saver as your Excel workbooks get more complex!

“Microsoft Excel — ASAP Utilities Add-In — My Top Uses (#2) — #2 — Create a Hyperlinked Workbook Index Sheet”

“MS Excel — Simplify Your Excel Workbooks With A Navigation Index —
Quit Navigating Tabs the Hard Way!”

In my next post, I will explore “2 — Print macro buttons”. Don’t be intimidated — once you get started with the basics, you develop quickly!

Good luck!

About Don

“On a mission to challenge the status quo to a more productive and effective end…”

Don is passionate about helping professionals and organizations keep up and adapt to the changing business world that we operate in.

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Don Tomoff
Let’s Excel

It’s time for DIFFERENT— On a mission to challenge the status quo to a more productive and effective end… #digital #Excel #data #analytics #genai #chatgpt