As a writer 7 challenges you must have to overcome

Improve your writing skill

A Lady
Let’s Begin!


Photo by Andrijana Bozic on Unsplash

Every writer struggles with their writing confidence. They fight for skill, fight for experience and fight for the destination they dream about. No one is perfect but can try to be creative this is what they need as a writer. Confidence isn’t something that most writers find easily and not that easy to gain. Your confidence is not the thing that you actively do, but there are things that you can actively think about.

1.Don’t Compare Your Work with a published author

Photo by Alfons Morales on Unsplash

The most important thing is don’t compare yourself to publish books or published authors. When you reading a book you can think it pretty much better than your work and you start thinking that you never going to be good, and you may be not successful like that person but comparing a printed edited final book is like comparing unedited raw footage to a final movie. A book that you buy and reading that has gone soo much revision and it has gone through professional editing and it just not comparable to the first draft of yours that you are writing now. So, stop comparing yourself and keep writing. One day…



A Lady
Let’s Begin!

Writer, software developer, love to experiment on anything.