Skyline 50k — Two Random Dudes

Pre-Race thoughts heading into the 2017 Skyline 50k

David Weisgerber
Condensed Consumption


I feel like a lot of time has passed since my first 50k at the 2016 edition of the longest consecutively run ultra in America (or whatever other qualifiers they put on that). And I guess a year has.

After a pretty forgettable running related 2017, I am really looking forward to pushing hard this weekend at Skyline 50k.

My training is not exactly top notch but I definitely feel very mentally prepared. That has to count for something, right?

Mentally preparing

July was solid enough and I feel confident I will be able to cover the distance.

After reading my Race Report from 2016 which was seemingly a perfect day, I pulled together a few notes from that report to hopefully try and repeat some of last year’s success. Or at the very least, repeat some of last year’s fun…

I have been super good about strength work all year, stayed healthy and built my mileage base slowly so it was time to throw all that crap out the window and hop in a 50k woefully unprepared.

Well, I still have the unprepared part down. I wouldn’t say I have been super good about strength work this year, but I have definitely done some. But actually, it is only Monday of race week. I can still cram in a few extra squats and leg lifts.

One of my big points of emphasis this year has been running hills. I have taken so much confidence from the strength that gives my legs and body. Plus much less pounding and abuse from exclusively running the roads.

This I have actually nailed pretty well. Hopefully that will translate.

Nick suggested eating every 30 minutes early, so I stuck with that.

That is my plan again. Except I am going to move swiftly through the aid stations. Down a GU, grab a bite, fill a bottle and get moving.

I made it rain at the store and bought a bunch of GU flavors that I have never tried and picky bars. This should work out great…

My hamstring tightened a bit here but I knew I was eating plenty and drinking plenty of water so I tried a salt pill and that seemed to do the trick.

I’ll bring salt. That seems like a good idea.

The Plan

Last year I made it to Skyline Gate aid (mile 14) around 1:50. That will be a good check on where I am. I don’t imagine I’ll be much faster than that but if I am 15–20 minutes slower I’ll know I had too many Carl’s Jr. breakfast biscuits this summer.

I think the course might be a bit slower this year with some more climbing. I don’t really have a time goal. I’d love to be around last year’s time if possible but I have a feeling I won’t have that decision to make. I’ll either feel strong and push it or I won’t and have to survive.

Can’t wait for Sunday!

