Thankful for the simple pleasures. Pods, newsletters and pizza.

While briefly acknowledging that I am mostly thankful for family, friends, dog, etc.

David Weisgerber
Condensed Consumption
5 min readNov 27, 2017


Thanksgiving with the fam. (l to r): Ari, Megs, Your Author, Stacy

First things first.

In honor of Thanksgiving weekend I’d like to express gratitude for my wife, Stacy. I am way luckier than I deserve. And of course, thankful my friends, family and dog, Holly.

Definitely acknowledging that I am mostly thankful for them (in case they stumble across this post during their internet shopping on cyber Monday).

But this is more about a few simpler pleasures that I am thankful for.

The pods.

Although my commute has diminished, I still spend a decent portion of my week listening to podcasts.

Getting ready for work, walking the dog, lunch breaks & costco trips are all prime podcast listening hours.

The staples: These podcasts are aggressively consumed upon their release.

Ultra Runner Podcast; Bill Simmons Podcast; Cousin Sal’s Against All Odds; House of Run; Billy Yang Podcast (new!); The Ezra Klein Show; The Weeds; & House of Carbs.

But this isn’t about them.

I’m highlighting a relatively new pod from the Ringer podcast network… The Rewatchables.

This is a can’t miss premise. Take movies everyone has seen a million times and break them down with a rotating cast of hilarious Ringer staff. Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, Jason Concepcion, Juliet Litman, Shea Serrano, among others.

I generally avoid watching movies that have been released within the last decade so this is right up my alley.

The recommendation of this podcast is quickly escalating to my go-to small talk along with, have you guys finished Season two of Stranger Things? Steve Harrington, such a bad ass.

A small sampling of movies featured on the pod: The Dark Knight; The Departed; Face/Off; Point Break; Clueless; The Fugitive; Scream; A Few Good Men; & Speed.

There are no weak links or fringe movie selections.

Most importantly, in a world where divisive politics seep into every aspect of culture, this is 60–75 minutes of pure, unadulterated fun.

So enjoy it while it lasts. It is only a matter of time before Trump and his nonsense infiltrates it.

Mario Fraioli’s weekly newsletter, The Morning Shakeout

The Morning Shakeout from Mario Fraioli comes out weekly and is described on his website as:

Insightful commentary on running, writing, media and other worthwhile topics. Delivered to your inbox first thing every Tuesday morning.

That pretty much sums it up. I love the commentary, interviews and links to great articles, but the real value for me comes in the form of his recommendations. I have discovered countless books, podcasts, articles and people to dig into that have brought me enjoyment and inspiration long past the 7ish minutes I spend devouring the newsletter with my coffee each week.

Even the newsletter itself serves as inspiration to stop thinking about doing something and just do it.

As Duke Ellington says, “I don’t need more time, I just need a deadline.”

After he hit send on this tweet he was on the hook and he hasn’t missed a Tuesday in over two years.

I am four weeks into my blog post streak. Hopefully I can keep pace.

One of Mario’s book recommendations from this week’s edition was, Rework (written by the founders of Basecamp). I read the accompanying article he linked and immediately picked up a copy from the library and devoured in two sittings [it is super short because they cut all the BS and just left the good stuff].

Rework. One of the Morning Shakeout’s many great book recs.

I especially enjoyed this passage on decisions.

The problem comes when you postpone decisions in the hope that a perfect answer will come to you later. It won’t. You’re as likely to make a great call today as you are tomorrow.

Although this has drifted away from the Morning Shakeout and into a Rework endorsement, I am still giving Mario credit since I heard it from him on Tuesday.

Mario has also threatened to start a podcast but that seems like it is still in the works. I am sure it will immediately be thrust into the staples.

Last but not least. Pizza Fridays.


The last few years Stacy and I have fostered a tradition as old as time. Pizza Fridays. The perfect kick-off to the weekend.

This is included purely to brag about my good fortune. I guess I could recommend starting this tradition in your house but it probably won’t be as good.

Stacy makes the dough from scratch and now has a flourishing vegtable garden to use for all the delicious toppings and sauces.

I generally open the wine. Like I said, I am way luckier than I deserve.

What a woman.

Happy thanksgiving.

I have a lot to be thankful for and I didn’t even touch on gchat, Del Valle and automatic coffee timers. Maybe next year.

P.S. Foot Update

It appears there is a broken bone in there somewhere. Need to meet with Podiatry for a follow-up. Bummed but hopefully it will heal swiftly.

Until next week.

