Tim Ferriss is going to be so disappointed in me. Dreamline Exercise: Six-Week Update

David Weisgerber
Condensed Consumption
5 min readApr 30, 2018
Six weeks went quickly.

No one tell Tim Ferriss, but I’m kind of blowing it with the dreamline.

Six weeks ago I created and posted my Dreamline as introduced in the 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss.

I selected 12 things that I wanted to Have, Be, and Do.

I have taken a few steps towards this, but I probably should’ve made a little more progress after six weeks.

Natural Selection [the excuses]

The main excuse for not starting a few of these is I didn’t think through each dream to figure out if it was something I really wanted.

I noticed a natural selection happening. The things I actually cared about and have started to take steps towards vs. things I just added to fill out the list and haven’t thought about in six weeks.

But enough stalling, let’s see how I did.


Those shoes are so dope and I love them. Mission Accomplished?
  1. Nike Vaporfly 4%: I made a compromise on this one. There are three versions of this shoe: Zoom Vaporfly 4%, $250 and sold out everywhere, the Zoom Fly, $150, mass production model, similar to the 4%, but for the common man, and the Nikelab Zoom Fly SP, $150, also quite similar, but minor differences. I ended up with the Nikelab Zoom Fly SPs and I effing love them. So can I cross this off the list? I’m not totally clear on how this works.
  2. 1,000 followers on Medium: Six weeks ago I had 17 followers. I am now up to 30. At this pace (2.16/week), I’ll hit 1,000 followers by December, 2026. I’ll be looking forward to that. It feels awkward and unnatural promoting posts on social media and I don’t really care one way or the other. Stacy had a good idea to just promote when it seems relevant, which goes back to my, be brave resolution from my 12 thoughts after 20 weeks.
  3. A writing mentor: I should look into this.
  4. A running coach. No progress here, either. But I like to think Nick is pretty damn helpful in bouncing ideas off. Along with Mario Fraioli and David Roche running article archives.
  5. A healthy body to run. I have done well on this one. I have diligently done my PT exercises almost every day and I’m back running regularly, pain free. And if nothing else on this list happens, I’m pretty happy with this outcome. *Knocking furiously on wood*


  1. Published on a top 20 medium publication: I made some half-assed progress on this because I knew I was going to write a dreamline update this week. I have a few ideas for specific posts that would relate to a few of the publications I like. The thought is, I would write them outside of my normal weekly posts but I haven’t taken the time to do it, yet. I should get on that.
  2. Someone who embraces world travel and immersion in foreign culture. I definitely see the value in this and think the embrace is a fairly subjective. I have started to explore some European travel ideas that Stacy and I might be into but haven’t actually booked anything. I think Tim Ferriss would be especially disappointed in my lack of progress here. I’ll get on it, Tim.
  3. A dad: This is kind of pass/fail. Nothing to report, so far.
  4. A great cook: When your wife is as amazing a cook as mine is, there isn’t much incentive to achieve this. Officially changing this to a serviceable cook. Meaning, I would make a few decent meals in-between Stacy’s amazing meals. That seems reasonable.
  5. Paid to write something: I am trying to decide how literal to take this. Technically, I am writing our department newsletter at work, which I get paid for, and really enjoy it. Although, I don’t think that was in the spirit of this dream.


  1. Run the Women’s Olympic Trials Qualifier for the marathon (2:44:59) or half marathon (1:13:59). I’m not close but I feel very confident I can get there by the end of the year. I feel healthy [Still knocking] and I know how to get myself in this type of shape. And, who knows, if I get a coach maybe I’ll get even faster.
  2. Write and present TED-Style talk: I’m on top of this one. I’m working on a one-minute talk to be delivered to our executive team as a part of my Leadership Academy at work. I also volunteered to present talks at a conference this fall on both the contagion of attitude and on making meetings matter. So I’m excited to flesh out those topics and present on two things I’m passionate about. I am pitching to keep the time limits closer to the 18 minute TED length but I might have to adjust to fit in the needs of the program.
  3. Interview someone well-known for my blog: I have some ideas for this but haven’t reached out to anyone, yet. I need to think about the best approach.
  4. Play a live show with my band [not at our house]: So far we only have had three rehearsals. We don’t sound terrible but still have a long ways to go. Mostly because neither of us are proficient at singing at the same time as playing our instruments and we don’t have a bass player.
  5. Teach a college class: I have several leads on this one. I met with people from both Cal State East Bay and Cal Poly. The most promising lead so far is guest lecturing which I plan to fully count as completing this task. I am hoping with a few reps of presenting on my other planned speaking topics, I’ll be able to have something well honed.

There is work to be done.

If this was a 6 week dreamline rather than 12 months, I might be concerned. But I have made some decent progress.

The point is to take actionable steps right away. That is the area where I have failed on a few. Especially the ones where the steps are to reach out to people.

I’m excited to chip away at this over the next few months. The six weeks came a little too quickly so I’ll do another check-in closer to the finish line to see where I stand.

