Microsoft Excel: Basic PowerQuery — Stock Price Data From Google Sheets

Don Tomoff
Let’s Excel
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2017

Many investors and finance professionals work with public company stock quotes.

If that applies to you, here is a simple Google Sheets → Excel PowerQuery combination to simplify and streamline that process for you.

If you would like a copy of the Excel file — with the PowerQuery import (with modifications), you can get it here.

Google Sheets

Set up Google Spreadsheet

  • Set up a Google spreadsheet with the parameters you want. The image below highlights one example using the JM Smucker Company (SJM). Setting the symbol and Start Date as variables gives you the flexibility to change the symbol and generate the same data for a different company.
  • So, I enter the symbol (“SJM”) and the Start Date (“January 1, 2000”). The end date is always today’s date — see image below.
Google Sheets — enter stock symbol parameters
  • The TODAY() function is used to populate the end date.
=TODAY() Function used to drive dynamic end date
  • Now, create the Data Table (we use the =GOOGLEFINANCE function for this).
GOOGLEFINANCE function to create data table

Here is the completed GOOGLEFINANCE function:

=GOOGLEFINANCE(a2, “all”, B2, C2, “DAILY”)

  • Cell A2 = SYMBOL
  • “all” requests all available historical information
  • Cell B2 = START DATE
  • Cell C2 = END DATE
  • “DAILY” — I want information returned on a DAILY basis (weekly, monthly are other options — Daily provides the most flexibility for analysis purposes)

Prepare Data to be Queried by Excel (PowerQuery)

1 — “Publish” the Google Spreadsheet

Next, I will publish the Google sheet so that I can import the data into Excel (using PowerQuery).

Google Sheets — Publish to the Web
Google Sheets — Publish Link, Copy the URL and We Will Use in Excel

Microsoft Excel

1 — Import Table into Excel

Now, we are ready to import data into Excel!

  • Access the PowerQuery add-in and select “Get External Data” → “From Web”
Select PowerQuery add-in Ribbon and Get External Data → From Web
  • Paste the URL link copied earlier into the dialog box that appears.
  • Next, select Table with data and select Edit to modify query. This is where we SHAPE the data in format we want for Excel (and analysis purposes).
Excel PowerQuery — Edit the Import Query

2 — Edit Query to Shape Data Table

Excel — ready to Edit the Query (in PowerQuery)
  • Final modified query — and data load into Excel
Final Modified Query in PowerQuery EDIT mode
Excel Data Table — Analysis Ready!

Now, we are ready to perform some data analysis…and the fun starts!

Final Notes

  • Updating the Google Sheet — whenever you open the Google Spreadsheet, the GOOGLEFINANCE function updates the data table. Do this step so that Excel imports the most current data.
  • Want a different Company symbol? Simply change the symbol to whatever you want. (Make sure you EDIT PowerQuery to show proper symbol in imported table!)
  • Need a longer (or shorter) period of time? Change the beginning date cell — that’s it!
  • This process can be easily modified for multiple symbols — allowing peer group or industry analysis!

About Don

“On a mission to challenge the status quo to a more productive and effective end…”

Don is passionate about helping professionals and organizations keep up and adapt to the changing business world that we operate in.

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Don Tomoff
Let’s Excel

It’s time for DIFFERENT— On a mission to challenge the status quo to a more productive and effective end… #digital #Excel #data #analytics #genai #chatgpt