MS Excel Power Query — “Are You Kidding Me?” — #1

Querying a 2005 Word document on the Web

Don Tomoff
Let’s Excel
3 min readAug 16, 2018


2005 Word Document — Power Query Source

The more I work with Power Query, the more astounded I am at some of the data sets I am able to seamlessly convert to usable data.

So, I’ve decided to collect the queries that have surprised me — and saved me a ton of time! I will be adding Medium posts as I come across them. I hope it might open others eyes as to the data opportunity sitting right in Excel!


In this recent Medium post, I had the need to create a separate data table to provide an NTEE (“National Taxonomy for Exempt Entities”) description to match the NTEE Code provided in the original dataset (see “3 — Data Joining”) .

The original article’s authors created a separate Excel table that they used for their data table.

But, could I do it directly from the web? Sure can!

Process to Create NTEE Description Query Table

  • Open website link and find source data reference. Copy link address.
Website Source — National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities
  • As mentioned above, this is a MS Word document link NOT in the cleanest format.
Word document — link to source document
  • In Excel (version 2016 here), go to “Data >> From Web” and paste the link copied above.
Paste Web URL into Excel Data Query
  • Right-Click and select “Convert CSV”
Convert “CSV” to see Data in Query Editor
  • Table shows up in “Edit” view. This is where we shape the data into the data table we need.
NCEE Code & Description list in Edit Mode
  • Perform steps to edit the data table and here is the final query table.
Final Query Table — Steps to Create Final Table

Download Query File

If you want to look at the query and related steps, you can download the Excel file here.

Excel File including NTEE Codes / Descriptions Query

About Don

“It’s time for DIFFERENT”

Don is passionate about helping professionals and organizations keep up, develop and adapt to the changing business world that we operate in.

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Don Tomoff
Let’s Excel

It’s time for DIFFERENT— On a mission to challenge the status quo to a more productive and effective end… #digital #Excel #data #analytics #genai #chatgpt