14 Fun Backyard Spring Activities

Mark Rule
lets fun outdoor
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2021
Photo by Hem Poudyal on Unsplash

Spring is the best time to be outside and welcome in a new season. Creating a backyard oasis is no easy task but it will be so worth it when you can enjoy all of your backyard fun with family and friends. Backyards are great places for kids and families of all ages. Areas can be designated for play, gardening, or relaxation. There are plenty of backyard activities to do, whether it’s springtime or not. Here are 14 fun backyard activities for you to try out!

Here are backyard activities that you can do in springtime weather.

1) Plant a backyard garden

Interested in backyard gardening? Spring is a great time to plant backyard flowers and vegetables. This backyard activity will give you fresh produce for the kitchen table, as well as cut flowers for the house! No backyard? Container planting might be fun, too! Simply gather some containers from around your house or find some inexpensive ones at your local home improvement store. When you’re done with them, take them back to the store so they can be reused or recycled. If you’re looking for a way to reuse old tires, paint buckets, or other items that are sitting around in your backyard — turn them into planters! Cut out the bottom of each item and fill it up with potting soil adding flowers or vegetables.

2) Gardening fruits and vegetables

You’re out of school, the rain is gone, and it’s time to start planting your summer garden. Make sure everything is soft enough before you lay down any seeds or plants; check the soil with your fingers first! If it’s cold still, this may take a bit longer than if it has already warmed up outside. Remember to plant what you love to eat so everyone will enjoy helping water and maintain the garden through the summer months ahead! Seeds you can sow are sunflowers, onions, beans, radishes, daisies, marigolds, etc.

3) Outdoor Games

Do you love backyard games? It’s time to bring them out again. While most backyard activities can be enjoyed anytime, there is something fun about springtime outdoor backyard games. Why not play a few rounds of croquet or badminton? If it’s still chilly, backyard indoor games like checkers and Monopoly are great options as well!

4) Water balloon fights

Water balloon fights are a classic backyard game that everyone will enjoy! Make sure that the water balloons have been properly tied off before throwing or they will pop all over your neighbor’s lawn! After each impact, check the balloons for leaks and throw them away if needed. Most importantly, make sure no one gets their face too close to an exploding balloon.

5) Jump rope

Do you love the backyard game of jump rope? Now’s the perfect time to break it out again. This backyard activity is fun for everyone, so invite your friends over, the more the merrier! Be sure to have plenty of spare clothes on hand because the jumping rope can get a little messy!

6) Balloons

Bring out balloons and other inflatables that need the air filled in them. Enjoy riding around on an airplane or helicopter without leaving your backyard! Remember not to pop any balloons until it’s time. Be careful when releasing helium-filled balloons outside because gusts will send them floating away into the sky. Never release helium-filled balloons indoors for safety reasons.

7) Frisbees

It’s warming up outside, so it’s time to bring out the backyard Frisbees again. Remember to check for holes before throwing them at each other into the backyard or they will end up flying everywhere! Most backyard Frisbees are best thrown with a side-arm motion that will give you maximum distance. Maybe have fun with a boomerang for a change.

8) Bocce Ball

Bocce Ball is another fun spring backyard game. The playing field is one large patch of grass — no concrete or asphalt needed! Just make sure not to play too close to flower beds or vegetable gardens because it can be easy to accidentally break something while playing bocce ball. We hope you have fun enjoying all these backyard activities this springtime! The objective in bocce ball is to get your colored ball closest to the target “pallino” ball, which is the smaller white ball. This might require simply rolling the ball towards it, knocking an opponent’s ball out of the way, or precisely aiming your ball between the other balls in play without moving them

9) Fly kites

Kites are perfect backyard activities for spring. Bring some string, tape, and your kite to the backyard to fly it! Fly kites in wide-open spaces like a backyard or an open field. If you’re looking for fun kite shapes, try out a butterfly or airplane design. You can also make your own personalized shape by tracing around an object on cardboard and cutting it out of newspaper!

10) Have a backyard picnic

In springtime weather, why not have a backyard picnic? Fill up some reusable containers with different types of foods from around the world and enjoy eating outside in the backyard! Don’t forget napkins, table cloths, juice, and other drinks, bubbles, and other fun items to add to your backyard picnic experience!

11) Play backyard games

Backyard games are great backyard springtime activities! Try croquet, badminton, balloon volleyball (with water balloons), jump rope (using jump ropes or hula hoops), hide-and-seek (in the backyard), roller hockey, dodgeball (in the backyard), campfire marshmallow roasting, backyard board games (like checkers, Monopoly, chess), backyard bocce ball or bean bag toss!

12) Trampoline fun

Tired of fun backyard games? Take a break and bounce on your backyard trampoline! These backyard activities are great for springtime because the weather is warming up. Just be sure to not overdo it and take precautions like putting a safety net around the trampoline or wearing protective gear like knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards if you’re slightly older. Enjoy all these backyard springtime activities this year!

13) Have fun on backyard playground

Backyard playtime is the perfect backyard springtime activity. Take some time to go out and enjoy your backyard playground equipment like swings, slides, monkey bars, climbers, or huts! If this backyard activity sounds like something you want to do with friends or family members (and there’s enough backyard space), try having a backyard obstacle course competition. Remember that these backyard games can get messy if it starts raining, so make sure to keep some spare clothes on hand for yourself after the game.

14) Have a backyard campout

Pack up sleeping bags and pillows inside the house. The backyard can be perfect for backyard camping! Bring some snacks, backyard campfire stories, backyard tent pitching contests, and backyard camping food. Remember to keep the backyard doors locked so no wild animals sneak in during the night!

No matter what you do this springtime, make sure to have fun! For backyard camping fun, bring your backyard tents and sleeping bags outside and prepare some backyard campfire food like hot dogs and s’mores (which can also double as backyard picnic foods). If you want some backyard games for kids, try out backyard pretend play or bubble blowing outside on nice days! Another backyard game idea is using bubbles and poles to create fun backyard obstacle courses. The most important thing to do is have fun!



Mark Rule
lets fun outdoor

An adventurer and an enthusiast, I like traveling to new places and building things in my backyard