Donovan Latherow enjoys a hot coffee while finishing a last minute assignment at Jittery Joe’s.

Ask Your Neighbear: What Would You Change About Macon?

Katie Atkinson
Let’s Get Civic-al


Donovan Latherow, 20, hails from the Tampa Bay, Florida area but has called Macon his home for the last three years.

Latherow said he thinks the city has potential, but believes something needs to be done about the blighted neighborhoods that can be found on the outskirts of Mercer University.

“[I would like to see] projects that alleviate living conditions because we are severly underfunded in neighborhood renovations in this city,” Latherow said.

If Latherow had the means to do so, he said he would try to attract investments to the city to make it thrive again.

“This would help to create business and jobs. [Macon] used to be a huge trade hub for the whole south and it just kind of went downhill,” Latherow said. “If we could go back to that, it would be beautiful.”

Still, Latherow is confident that Macon has redeeming qualities as well.

“I like how much of..the authentic architecture and culture has remained. It feels like it is still 1910 in some places, it’s cool,” Latherow said. “I do love the history.”


