How do Macon residents like to stay fit?

Adelia Henderson
Let’s Get Civic-al


By Adelia Henderson, Kyle Mullins and Hayley Hudson

It’s common knowledge that it is important to stay in shape, but what does Macon have to offer beyond a traditional gym? That is what we hope to find out.

Fitness can be intimidating. Finding an organized way to exercise can potentially be expensive, and frankly, confusing. New crazes are always popping up, and trying them out takes time and effort.

Going to a regular gym isn’t everyone’s cup of tea either — walking into a gym without experience in exercising there can make your head spin. What can Macon residents do to get in shape and avoid these roadblocks to health?

We plan to take a look at what options exist in our own Tattnall Square Park, but we’d love to hear from you! What’s your favorite way to stay fit?

Leave a response below, or get in touch with us on social media!

