You Need to Love Yourself

Emiie Rabitoy
Let’s Get Honest
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2019


Photo via Unsplash and Tim Mossholder

Loving someone can be the greatest experience on earth, but it can be pretty easy to forget to love yourself. Whether it’s those stretch marks that appeared, or the lazy eye your embarrassed about, it can be easy to pick out your faults and negative things about yourself, and leave out the positives. As someone who is still working on it, I’m here to let you know that it’s not only okay, but necessary for you to love yourself.

Do the Mindset Work

Having the right mindset can change your life, whether it’s deciding to develop an abundant mindset or just trying to be more positive, your mindset makes a huge impact on your life. This article has so many great tips on learning to love yourself, like utilizing meditation and establishing a routine. I love the idea of keeping a gratitude journal, geared more towards yourself than general gratitude. I’d like to challenge you, reader, to keep a gratitude journal for 30 days, and find at least three things about yourself that you love and are grateful for. Just keeping a general gratitude journal has changed my life, so I have to imagine that keeping a gratitude journal dedicated solely for loving yourself, will make a huge difference.

Meditation is an all-around great practice to have. I love meditation especially when I’m both very stressed, and struggling to fall asleep. In each of these…



Emiie Rabitoy
Let’s Get Honest

Avid reader, social media specialist, former author VA, mother & coffee lover. Writes articles to help authors l, recommend books & share the joy of motherhood