3 Reasons Why Public Figures are Drawn to Metaphysics

And the first step to take on your path to mastery.


My clients are high-achievers who are highly attuned to the underlying nature of the game they are playing. They know how to win. They know why they win and if they lost it all, they could win it all back again. But what they have not yet mastered is the mystery of life itself. That’s where I come in.

While these people are icons of industry, athletics, and entertainment who have amassed the wealth and acquired the status most people envy, they’re different because they also realize that with great power comes great responsibility and they respect their positions of influence.

If you’re like them, you’re drawn to a deeper understanding of power, magnetism, and energy. Nothing less than absolute knowing will satisfy you. Here are three reasons you might want to explore metaphysics with me, too.

You’re at the Top of Your Game

You are the chosen one; you can’t help but to be the best at what you do. You are badass, you are brilliant, you are bold.

But also, you are a black sheep. Like my clients and I, you are misunderstood and often alone even when you’re not. Only masters know what it’s like to give everything and more to that which we are mastering.

We sacrifice in ways others cannot fathom.

Maybe you have sacrificed your health or marriage to build a company. Maybe you have sacrificed the comfort of a home or the steadiness of a paycheck to become the very best in the world at what you do. Maybe, like me, you have given up everything to bring your vision to fruition, your art to the world.

It’s lonely at the top — if you don’t like that, then you don’t start a company. — Gary Vaynerchuk

There are the single CEOs who hire me as their private metaphysician because even though they are at the top of their game and “have it all” they really want someone to share it with. Dating coaches and matchmakers don’t resonate with them because those approaches are too mainstream for their taste.

These clients want to align their heart’s desire with their need for real-world compatibility but because they have such a high profile, they’ve been conditioned to ‘hide the non-PC parts’.

A fundamental concept in metaphysics is the acceptance of one’s whole being, rather than being critical of ourselves.

High achievers are notorious for being self-critical. You think it gives you an edge, but I promise it’s actually limiting you.

Another one of the key elements of metaphysics is the concept of oneness.

As long as you are seeing yourself as separate from the love you desire, you will always be attempting to earn it through superficial means.

When my clients integrate my metaphysical model for self-mastery, they become authentic, fully expressed, and highly magnetic to soulmate energy.

If you’re someone who is at the top of your game but ya don’t have anyone to share it with, are you really successful?

Success in my world includes peace, prosperity, and your person.

Mastery is Your Middle Name

You are more than a master of industry. You are a leader. You are a creator. You are a limit-breaker. You are a visionary meant to master more than just chosen field, your body or your mind.

One of the things I do with my heavy-hitter clients is support them in their full power while cultivating profound inner peace. You can’t be the master of shit if you’re all jacked up within and you know it.

Over the last 20 years, one of the patterns I’ve observed that stifles high-profile individuals is once you achieve all your professional goals, you ask, “Now what?”.

You might know how to win the game you’re playing but if the rest of life lacks meaning for you you will never be fulfilled.

Fulfillment is my middle name. It’s what I stand for in all that I do, personally and professionally.

Fulfillment is different than satisfaction or contentment, too. When you are fulfilled you know who you are and why you’re here. When you work from a state of fulfillment, what you create is infused with positive energy that affects all involved.

Fulfillment lives in the soul.

True mastery is a soulful sense of purpose that results in inspired action and builds your legacy.

My clients absolutely love it when we get busy mastering the mystery of the soul — without sacrificing prosperity or your public image. We do this by focusing just on you, your soul’s goals.

How? Well, you’ll have to step into my world to find out. I’m not being coy, what I do as a metaphysician can only be experienced. And that experience starts during the consultation.

For the same reason you can’t read sheet music and be moved to tears, you can’t read about what I do and be activated at a soul-level.

If we end up working together, you will tap into your true power, that which comes from within you. That which can only be accessed when you enter the non-physical arena.

That’s not typically a familiar place for public figures and high-performers. Which is why my expertise is highly regarded.

You and I are both masters, after all. When it comes to freedom and fulfillment, I did it the “hard way” so you don’t have to. I was meant to develop my mastery in the mud so I could offer you the lotus, the elegant artistic path to soul-level liberation.

You Feel the Deeper Call

It may not make sense, and I get the feeling that intrigues you. Mystery turns you on. You’re curious about the power that lies beyond logic, the power of the mystics.

You’re in a position of authority and influence. As such, many others will be uplifted when you are in alignment and truly fulfilled. Your heart knows this and you’re at the stage of life where you’re listening a bit more to your heart than the news.

I get what I’m saying can feel like nonsense. Metaphysics and mystery? What’s next whipping out the tarot cards and crystals? No. That’s not my thing. My background includes a decade masterfully coaching badasses to even better outcomes than they imagined.

But like you, I felt the deeper call to make a greater impact. I aligned my head and heart, I realized true freedom and fulfillment. My purpose was clear. I brought forth my greatest work as a private metaphysician for public figures on a path of mastery. And here we are.

So if you’re wondering if you’re in the right place, just remember, masters are outcasts; we’re here to lead not follow along. We aren’t meant to make sense to the masses. That deeper call you feel is to leave the mainstream behind and step fully into your mastery.

Metaphysics is the new paradigm. I will show you how it operates so you, too, can master it.


There is a path before you. This is the invitation to walk that path of mastery with my guidance. And if you walk on it, here’s what’s possible for you: The power that lies beyond logic. Freedom and fulfillment, not just in wealth and status (you already have that). The wisdom of the mystics. All knowing. All loving. Supreme understanding.

Call to Adventure

If you want master inner peace, authentic expression, and spiritual ecstasy without losing your edge or becoming a fucking weirdo, COME INTO MY WORLD.

