Zojul user guide

Our guide to getting the most out of Zojul

Olly Woodford
Let’s get Zojul!
4 min readAug 9, 2016


Here’s a quick run down of our top tips for getting the most out of Zojul.

Meet and see more of the people you like

Zojul is all about meeting more people that you get on with. We introduce you to them through invitations to the same events. The way we determine who we think you’d like to see again is based on a couple of things:

  • Who you tell us you’d like to see again (completely confidential), after attending an event. This is done by filling out feedback after an event.
  • Which other invitees you nudge (they see these, but nobody else does) to say you’d like to see them at an event. This is done on an event page, after you’ve confirmed you’re going.

The way we determine who we think you’d like to meet is based on:

So to maximize your chances of meeting people you like, be sure to:

  1. Answer our personality questions.
  2. Fill out the post event feedback.
  3. Send nudges prior to an event.

Use tags for better invitations

We want to invite you to the kind of social events you enjoy, at times that suit you. The way you tell us what those are is through event tags. Events have tags to summarize what they’re about; these appear under the event location, as shown below.

These tags are clickable, and you can rotate through the three possible settings, shown below, to declare your preference for each tag.

You can also set the most common event tags on your account settings page. The more tags of a given event you like, the more likely you are to get an invitation. So to get more, and better, invitations, be sure to set your event tag preferences.

More engagement = more invitations

Zojul prioritizes inviting people who are engaged with the Zojul platform. We measure your engagement by the following actions:

  • Filling out personality questions.
  • Setting event tag preferences.
  • Responding to an event invitation, even to say ‘no’.
  • Attending an event.
  • Submitting post-event feedback.

So to get more invitations to events, be sure to do those things.

The best way to get what you’re looking for

Whether it’s meeting more of the people you like, or doing more of the things you enjoy with a bunch of new people, there’s one clear way get what you’re looking for on Zojul:

Host an event!

If you organize and host an event you get the following benefits:

  • Choosing what you do and when.
  • Choosing the people you’d like to invite.
  • Being at the centre of things.

Looking for romance?

Let’s be clear — Zojul is a socializing platform (well, we like to call it a “zojulizing” platform). At Zojul events, our members can meet new people socially, make meaningful connections and forge new friendships. They’re not singles or dating events, and the platform is open to everyone, be they single, married or anything in between.

Of course, we are conscious of the fact that socializing with strangers is a great way to meet a future partner. And as a company devoted to helping people forge meaningful relationships of any kind, we’re all for that, as long as it doesn’t affect the general social vibe of an event. For that reason we have a feature which allows people who are single and actively looking for a partner to let other (similarly self-declared) singles know that they’re single, in secret. If you want to use this feature, set it on your account settings page.

Contacting other members

On Zojul there is no member database of public profiles you can search through, and no one-to-one messaging. The only way you can reach out to someone personally is by meeting them at an event. And that’s by design.

We want to encourage real life interactions over online ones, because:

  • That’s the best way to get to know someone properly.
  • It mitigates the unwanted interactions that are so common when people can hide behind a screen.

So if you’re keen to stay in touch with someone, either ask for their contact details at an event, or, if that’s too forward, do the following:

  • After the event, complete the feedback and tell us you’d like to see them again.
  • Confirm attendance to the next event you’re both invited to, and give them a nudge to come too.

Taking a break from Zojul

If you no longer want to use Zojul, whether temporarily or permanently, then you can suspend your account by unsubscribing from event invitations and circle assignments on your account settings page.



Olly Woodford
Let’s get Zojul!

On a mission to help people forge meaningful offline connections. Founder of Zojul: http://zojul.com.