
Let’s make good products
2 min readNov 7, 2014


I’m Suganth Sengottuvelappan and I’m from India. 24yr old designer trying to connect everyday products and how it impacts people. Yes I have selfie stick. More than that, I like to travel. This picture was taken in Phuket and I totally loved the place. I often take inspirations for my design from the places I visit and the photos I take. You can check out my Dribbble page here to see what I do when I’m free.

Tools & Skills

  • Product design — Overseeing product scope and vision.
  • User research.
  • Sketching & Wire-framing.
  • User Interaction & User experience design.
  • Prototyping.
  • User testing and Iterations.
  • Expertise in following tools: Pencil and paper, Balsamiq, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop & After effects, Facebook Origami, Pixate, Principle, Marvel, Keynote and Web — HTML, CSS, JS


At every phase of my life, I learnt key lessons that shaped me from an Engineer to a Designer. As a Web Developer at Tenmiles, I learnt the fundamentals of design, typography, quick prototyping, wire framing and more. This inspired me to pursue Design as a career. Personal and Freelancing projects let me explore the design exosphere further and that landed me as a full-time designer. At Cleartrip, I am learning more about the art of good design. Exciting years ahead

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Let’s make good products

Product Designer at Canva. Previously: Cleartrip, Carousell.