

A tale of two book ideas

Paul Jackson
2 min readOct 29, 2013


I want to write a book. A book about Node.js. I have a few ideas and today I formalised a couple of those ideas into two proposals. I have sent them off to my preferred publisher and hopefully they won’t laugh at me too hard—and I thought I’d share what I’m thinking of writing about.

First up: Node.js—Beyond the documentation

The idea behind this proposal is this:

The core idea with this is book is to take some of the key elements from the Node.js documentation as a starting point for each chapter, briefly describe the feature, get the reader to complete a lab implementing the sample code from the docs—or similar—to the same level of understanding as is presented in the official documentation.

The documentation, understandably, tends to be superficial and simplistic to illustrate only the API under investigation—the idea here is that the book takes each area covered to the next level; illustrating real world scenarios and implementations, taking the topic to the logical next step and beyond.

Next up, is: Node.js by Example

The idea behind this proposal is slightly different:

The main crux of this book is to build 4–6 applications from scratch by using Node.js. The approach here is very much in the style of some game development books where you build a few different style of games from start to finish.

The book will take the reader from nothing to building real world style applications leaning on community built modules, using unit tests, source control and real database platforms, all to deliver professional applications, step-by-step.

So fingers crossed one of the ideas will be accepted and I can start to think about what the next steps will be. Wish me luck—and if you have preference on which book you would like to read I’d love to hear from you.

