What are you passionate about?

Nick Thorn
Passion for Baseball
2 min readDec 1, 2014

I am passionate about sports, specifically baseball. For as long as I can remember I have loved baseball. When I was a kid, the first sport my parents got me involved in was baseball. My dad was largely involved in my love of the game. He would always be willing to play catch in the backyard, or go to the batting cages as I got older. My dad taught me how to pitch, how to throw different pitches, how field the ball, how to swing and keep your eye on the ball, etc. He taught me everything I know about the game. It wasn’t always easy, and I was never the best at but my passion for sport kept growing as I got older.

My dad played baseball when he was my age growing up, his siblings and parents were also very involved in his baseball career as well. I believe that because his parents were so involved in his baseball career he wanted me to have the same passion for the game that he did. I think that’s why I am so passionate about the sport because from when I was little, he got me involved in baseball. Whether it be playing little league, watching the Brewers, or going to the varsity high school games, I always have had a passion for the game. As I have grown older, and no longer can play little league or other organized baseball, my fandom for the Brewers has increased because of my passion for the game of baseball. My ability to play the game may have gone down but I am still just as passionate about the sport of baseball. If it was up to me, I would love to have a job involved with baseball, because I would then be more passionate about my job and have a greater motivation to do the work and advance in my field.

