Bali. Dream. Reality.

Rounak Jain
Lets root out plastic!!
2 min readMar 7, 2018

It is an incidence from last year. I was enjoying my vacation with my friends in Bali. We had an adventurous day with lots of sports activities on the famous Kuta beach. As I got extra tired with that high dose of exciting activities, I decided to return to the hotel room and take some rest. We had our hotel nearby and off I went. Exhausted. I had no idea how deep and sound sleep I went into. Probably of several hours. Slept like a log. My friends had returned and were banging the door to wake me up and open the door. Finally they had to call the reception for a master key to open the door. In the meanwhile I had somehow got up. With a severe headache due to the sudden interruption in sleep, I took a few seconds to fathom the situation. I was shocked as the surrounding became visible to me. By this time my friends as well from outside the door screamed with disgust and shock at the same time. Unbelievable!!

It was filled with trash all around. Ugly. Stinking. Plastic straw, poly bags, bottles, cans, broken chairs, algae, fungus, wires and on and on. I could not make my way out of the room and my friends could not get inside. I started screaming at the top of my voice to get me out of there immediately. HELP! HELP! HELP! I was choking. Suddenly I felt a splash of water on my face and I got up from my sleep. I realized am in my home in India and was screaming for help due to this horrific garbage dream I was having. I took a deep sigh of relief and made sure I was in my home by taking a walk here and there. Although just a dream but it brought an epiphany I can never forget.

This is exactly what we are doing to the aquatic species by dumping millions of tons of plastic garbage into the oceans and seas and rivers and lakes day after day. They are completely surrounded by these and they are choking. They are dying by mistreating garbage as their food and eating it. Its an utter mayhem in the oceans. Guess who is responsible. You got it. We are responsible. Only us the HUMANS.!

Bali is considering this matter seriously. Found this video on you tube highlights the problem there. The link is Another video on this issue is

In order to tackle this problem directly, two young sisters from Bali have started a movement against plastic. They have convinced Bali to ban plastic entirely by 2018. Here is the news coverage video in Al Jazeera news. This surely will render the beautiful island plastic free and reduce damage to the environment. This is amazing and powerfully inspiring to me and brings me confidence that together we can tackle this plastic problem. Together, Lets Root Out Plastic!!!

