Cutting down your daily plastic usage.

Rounak Jain
Lets root out plastic!!
4 min readJan 26, 2018

In my last post I had shared a snapshot of the various plastic products lying in front of me on the table. So much of it within a 1 to 2 sq meter surface area. I wonder how many tons of plastic would there be lying across the entire surface area of our planet. I have not still considered millions of tons of plastic dumped inside our oceans. Humongous. All of it playing havoc with our tender mother nature. Shocking realisation. And this is how I started to cut down on my daily plastic usage. Its been several months already. Am kinda proud of bringing myself to discipline and be more responsible towards the planet that I live in. The various plastic items I decided to cut down or have cut down already is mentioned below.

  1. Plastic water bottle — This one is ubiquitous. Everyone these days carry one to their office or school etc. I do not remember ever using a non plastic water bottle to school, college or office. I vividly remember once I lost a very beautiful plastic water bottle when I was in 3rd standard. How sad that made me. If I am not wrong, it must be lying around somewhere on this very planet for sure, even though broken or deformed or in bits and pieces. I wont say I am able to completely stop using plastic bottles, but I have using copper or steel made vessels in my home. Soon gonna buy proper steel bottles to carry to office and cut down more on plastic bottles. That is the best option I believe. A snapshot I found from the below link.

2. Plastic carry bags — This one needs no explanation. I have inculcated a habit of having my own plastic carry bag whenever I go out to buy something like for shopping or for vegetables or ration etc. Every time I pull out my own carry bag and refuse to take one from the shop, I hope someone observes this and starts following it. He/she discusses this with their family members and it spreads further. But I do occasionally discuss this with vegetable shop owners that they encourage other customers to bring their own carry bags. Even my family members have started to inculcate all this.

3. Plastic ear buds — This is a single use plastic and something which goes neglected that this tiny piece of plastic is scattered in the ocean beds in billions. I am looking for an alternative. If someone has some information already, kindly let me know. Would be happy to change here. This pic speaks a lot. When I shared this pic with a cousin, he was awestruck. Something must have changed permanently inside his mind am sure.

4. Use and throw plastic cutlery — Another single use plastic but its a favorite of everyone. We use it so much and almost everywhere like during picnics, in parties, during travel etc. Not going into the stats of pollution it creates but this needs an immediate attention from one and all. This one seems tough to eradicate from life for now but has to be worked upon more rigorously. Edible cutlery is an amazing alternative. More on it in the next post.

5. Online shopping packages — This one is a growing trend these days. All of us educated people are the one who are looking for convenience neglecting the plastic packaging and eventually pollution a single item brings with it. My brother ordered an earphone and just look at the waste it brought home. I am still wondering how are we going to tackle this mess which only seems to grow immeasurably.

6. Plastic straws — Again, need not explain much being similar to earbuds. This one can be easily eradicated by saying a no each time you get served your beverage with a straw or you think of using it. Glass or steel made straws can also be used as an alternative.

These are some items which can be slowly removed out of our lives and can have a huge impact if done collectively and seriously. Hoping this brings some change in some reader’s lifestyle and repeating the motto again #LetsRootOutPlastic

