Rounak Jain
Lets root out plastic!!
2 min readJan 12, 2018


Elated to begin!

I have been reading a lot and frantically on plastic and the disaster it is to our planet. Interestingly, today its found almost everywhere you look, and sadly, even inside the stomach of several animals, birds and fishes. It’s a cause of utter destruction and it’s the responsibility of us humans to clean the mess being the one to generate it.

I see a majority of our population around somehow unaware of its destructive hazardous power or are passively negligent to this. I was unaware once myself. Thanks to newspapers and specially twitter, I got to read and learn about this. Every article read, or video watched caused some permanent change in me. I have been curtailing on my day to day plastic usage for quite some time now.

I then decided to organize my understanding and views and bring it all online. One dilemma I had while commencing this was whether to confine my publication to just my country oriented information or to make it a global one. After some pondering I realized that since the plastics trashed by me is definitely floating here and there in some ocean in another part of the world, I must cover information from the entire globe and simultaneously reach out farther than those plastic garbage thrown by me.

“Lets root out plastic” is an attempt to make more and more people aware of the effects of plastic and simple ways in which they can contribute against it. This publication will bring every information of the disasters plastic is causing or has caused and about various people or organizations etc putting efforts to fight against this mess across the globe. Although ironically am typing this message by pressing buttons on the keyboard made of plastic, together LETS ROOT OUT PLASTIC from the planet.

