Kids Against Plastic!!

Rounak Jain
Lets root out plastic!!
2 min readJan 12, 2018

Yesterday, I stumbled upon a twitter account named ‘Kids Against Plastic’. I was massively inspired when I learned that this is started a couple of years back by two sisters Amy and Ella of present age 14 and 12 years respectively. They are based in UK.

Their idea is to get rid of the Big 4 single use plastic which is the cause of major plastic pollution in the water bodies. Taken from their website, this is what they have to say on this matter. “The BIG 4 plastic polluters are our main issue at the moment: the coffee cups and lids, plastic bottles, straws and plastic bags.” Also, in the last 2 years they have managed to collect around 52,000+ Big 4 plastic polluters from around. Their target is to collect 100,000 of these because that’s the number of sea mammals killed every year due to strangulation or from eating plastic. Several other kids have contributed to them in this drive. The pic below is taken from their twitter handle @KidsVplastic .

The deeper I dig into their twitter account or website, the more I am inspired by their efforts and achievements. Check it out yourself here . They have also been in news

This has been an utter delight to discover about ‘Kids against plastic’ and I immediately decided that this has to be the first post. Highly excited to share and spread their motto further.

