Plastic. A man created disaster!!!

Rounak Jain
Lets root out plastic!!
2 min readJan 14, 2018

Plastic Plastic Plastic!!! Its all around. That is what is mind boggling for me. Let me explain. I am writing this article using my laptop which is made of plastic. I look past the laptop screen and I see a plastic water bottle. On my left side is kept grapes in a plastic bag and besides it is a plastic container having dates. All of this on a plastic table cloth used to cover the dining table. So much plastic just within the vicinity of 1–2 meter. Each one of it once thrown away is going to find its way through the river to the ocean or sea if not recycled. Have a look.

Do have a look around yourself to realize the amount of plastic consumed and eventually thrown away everyday.

I found this piece of vital information from the twitter account named onelesspieceofplastic @olppindia “ Plastic is one of the most widely used & cheapest materials in the world today. If it’s not made from plastic, it’s wrapped in plastic. We use around 5 trillion plastic bags a year worldwide!Only 3% of plastics used are recycled rest thrown!”. This is HUGE!

Its said that all the plastic ever produced is still existing. It takes around 90 years to a 1000 years to decompose depending upon the thickness. Let me share some pics of the havoc its creating all around. (Taken from google search)

If these pics stirs some WHAT THE HELL kinda reaction out of you then we are on the same page. Next I will be posting a few simple ways to reduce plastic usage and saving the planet a huge turmoil. Together LETS ROOT OUT PLASTIC!.

You can follow me on twitter as well @RootOutPlastic

