Day 2

Asher Lewis
Lets see where this goes
1 min readJun 17, 2020

So I need to figure out why my ssh key doesn’t work. I get an error port 20. The other error I got was the lack of a public key.

Let us consider the possibilities. 1. The key is made incorrectly 2. I am cloning the repository incorrectly. Lets first rewatch the lecture and then attempt again.

So after watching the part of the lecture that dealt with keys, it seems as if the only thing that was wrong was that I had the key named “keyfile” and not the default That is weird and doesn't seem to make sense. It's possible I didn't initialize the key properly but I don't have the time to check it out. The point is I got it done.



Asher Lewis
Lets see where this goes

Data scientest language learner. Lover of Hebrew.