Day 5 quiz

Asher Lewis
Lets see where this goes
1 min readJun 24, 2020

So today I did the things I normally do when I don't know how to do something. Before we get to that, there is a point to make. IF I had the knowledge prior to the quiz then there is what to talk about. Meaning if I knew what I did and didn't know than I could figure out more objectively what I need to do.

Let's throw this out there. I view everything that I do, as not being able to do the task. Rather than defining what I don't know and then how to figure out how to know it. Another point is the confidence to do something properly and the anxiety of having to perform. To know something is to be able to apply it. If I can glance at answers to a problem but if I can only copy-paste it then I don't really know it.

So the interrelated things are to know the material but also to come up with a strategy of how to deal with things when I don't know them.

  1. Define/Write out what a given problem is.
  2. This means to break down what each problem is and what each solution would be.
  3. See what I can do.
  4. If I cant do it then break it down is it because I don't know how or I don't know what the problem is asking for.
  5. Try to see how prior things would be solved.



Asher Lewis
Lets see where this goes

Data scientest language learner. Lover of Hebrew.