The Last Beginning

Asher Lewis
Lets see where this goes
2 min readJun 17, 2020

I have spent some time poking around to see if the field of data science is the right choice for me, and I have decided to take the plunge. I have started on what will hopefully be an exciting three months in a Data Science Immersive. At the end of this journey, I hope to gain real skills and be able to get out and gain freedom. I say freedom because often in life people look at a job as a chain in which to draw out money and limit our lack of choices.

The main reason I am starting to write here is so that I can write over concepts and thus make them more understandable to me. I hope to be able to define the problems that come up and promote creative thinking.

Starting out I have some knowledge of computing concepts and statistics and of languages such as R and Python. I wish to really understand python and statistics to the point that I can explain what I am doing.

One thing that worries me is that creatively I rush before thinking, we shall see what happens.

As I have gone through my first week in my program I have had several realizations and reality checks; the most important one being is the concept and reality of mindset. Mindset, I have found, is the one thing that we have so much and so little control over. This mostly depends on our interactions with our habits, which in turn, color all of our actions.

There is something really good about making code work, it's kinda cool that I can type text into a computer and cause nearly infinite an amount of things to happen. Yet there is great frustration in the fact that I still struggle to make a basic loop run, or when I try to google something endlessly instead of first defining to my self what the problem is.

So going forward I am really going to force my self to concentrate and think about a problem instead of trying to rush to solve it.



Asher Lewis
Lets see where this goes

Data scientest language learner. Lover of Hebrew.