Resume Tip #3: How Long Should a Resume Be?

The Product Recruiter
Product Management Recruiters
2 min readMar 1, 2022

Watch here: Resume Length

A common question we hear from the candidates we interact with is: How many pages should my resume have?

If you’ve been researching resume best practices, you may have found that one-page resumes are recommended. There are certainly benefits to having a concise, single-page resume but determining how long it should be depends on a number of factors.

Resumes must effectively market you, which may be a lot to ask of one or two pages. In this video, our Product Practice Lead, Heidi Ram provides tips on how to effectively communicate your product story on your resume. She explains when a 1-page or 2-page makes the most sense, based on your experience and achievements.

It is a competitive market for Product Managers, so follow these tips to ensure you get ahead of the competition and differentiate yourself from the crowd.

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Heidi Ram is the Head of Search & Product Practice Lead at Martyn Bassett Associates. She has been a recruiter for the company for 20 years. During that time, she has been instrumental in shaping the evolution of the business, while building high-performing teams for some of the firm’s most valued clients.

Heidi is regarded as a thought leader and trusted advisor in the Toronto Product Management and Design community when it comes to industry insights, recruitment trends, salaries and the current talent landscape.



The Product Recruiter
Product Management Recruiters

The Product Recruiter is a division of Martyn Bassett Associates that specializes in recruiting top talent for Product Management roles in the tech industry.