As The Other Woman, I Want To Tell My Side Of The Story.

It is very weird to me how society at large has no smoke to give to the man cheating on his wife and breaking up his happy home.

Photo by Sam Burriss on Unsplash

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Yet somehow the other woman often has to shoulder all the blame and responsibilities for his actions and take on the label of home wrecker.

This is a work of fiction. However you can still find some nuggets of golden wisdom layered throughout this article piece. So please read until the very end. Thank you.

As The Other Woman, Did You Know He Was A Married Man?

No I did not.

I met this man on a beautiful sunny day. I was walking as I normally did, cause back then I could not afford to buy myself a car.

A jeep drives pass me and pulled over to the side. A handsome man came out this jeep and immediately started flirting with me. The rest is history.

As The Other Woman, Did You Ever Asked Him If He Had A Wife Or Girlfriend?

Of course I did. That was among the first questions I asked him on the day that we met.

He quickly denied being in a relationship with anyone. He proudly declared that he was single and proceeded to ask me out on a date. He wanted that date to happen that very night.

But I could not accept at that time because it was one of my girlfriend’s son’s birthday and I was helping her to plan the surprise party for him.

It was a whole week of him begging and pleading with me to go out on a date with him. You see, he was the one pursuing me, not the other way around.

How could he do that knowing fully well that he had a wife and kids to take care of already? How could he pretend to me for so long that he was free to date me?

As The Other Woman, Did You Check His Ring Finger?

That’s the first thing any sensible woman would do when she meets a man who starts to flirt with her. At least that is what she should do.

But later on as I will come to know, he loves taking his ring off so he can pretend to the people who don’t know him that he is a single man.

I often wondered if his wife was aware of his actions and how she felt about him doing this. There is no way in hell that she was happy about him pretending not to be her husband in front of other people.

As The Other Woman, Why Didn’t You Break Things Off Once You Learned He Was Married?

Honestly at that point in time, I was head over heels in love with him. Our relationship was never one sided. Meaning I was not the one doing everything for him and getting nothing back from him in return.

In fact he was the one to buy me my very first car. He also helped me to get a small business loan from the bank when they had already turned me down twice. Because of him, I was finally able to visit all the countries I had on my bucket list and so much more.

He spent so much time at my home and taking me out on dates, that it was truly hard to believe that he had another life. How can a man have a job, a wife and three kids at home and still have all this free time to spend with me?

It didn’t make sense.

I still to this day, don’t know how the hell he pulled it off flawlessly by living a double life. Obviously he had practice, that’s why he was able to navigate both of his lives like a pro.

As The Other Woman, Why Did You Get Into A Physical Fight With His Wife?

Believe me when I say, I am not a fighter, I am a lover.

All I know is, she just came out of nowhere swinging. I had no clue what she even looked like. All I know was someone was trying to beat me up and I had to defend myself.

The fact that I won the fight was no constellation prize to me.

Had things gone down the way I wanted it to, the most we would have done was have a very civilized conversation like two grown ass women. Fighting over a man, nevermind one who has a wife already, is just not my style.

But now that I knew what she looked like in the flesh, I knew better to watch my back at all times.

As The Other Woman, Are You Going To Keep His Baby Or Not?

Good Lord, I don’t have a clue what I should do.

At the end of the day, my baby is innocent. I can’t deny the fact that I don’t want my child to be born into this messy situation.

The window of time I have to get an abortion while it is still safe to get one is getting smaller and smaller. I am having anxiety attacks at nights about this. I don’t want to harm my baby but I don’t want my baby to be mistreated by others because his or her mother and father had a love affair spanning a few years.

As The Other Woman, Are You Going To Break Up With Him?

Not yet, but I think I am going to. Especially now that his baby is growing inside me, I am starting to see things a lot differently than I did before.

I convinced myself that what we had was real and it was just bad timing that we met after he had a wife and kids. Be that as it may, I want things to change. And to have that change just might mean I have to get rid of him.

As The Other Woman, How Does Your Family and Friends Feel About You Dating A Married Man?

Not everyone knows, but the ones who do know are divided.

Some say it’s cool, while others say it is wrong.

I know that I am in the wrong and I won’t pretend that I am right for my actions. But all the blame is not on me. It should not be that way either.

Had that man told me from the start that he had a wife and kids at home, I would have never touched him. Because he was selfish and wanted to have things his own way he lied to me. That was a very selfish thing for him to do.

Yet everyone wants to point their fingers at me as if I am the one who seduced him and created this entire mess. No people, he is to blame for this dilemma too. I am just the poor sap that got dragged along for the ride.

As The Other Woman, What Has This Experience Taught You?

That I have to vet men properly from now on. I can’t just be so naive and believe all the words coming straight out of a man’s mouth the first time I meet him. Otherwise I could potentially end up in another relationship with a man who is taken.

I won’t do this again. This is the first and last time I ever want to go through this.

I deserve a man who is single and not attached to any other woman. I deserve a man who is free to love on me just as much as I can love on him. I deserve a man who wants to be with me and only me cause I value loyalty.

As The Other Woman, Will You Ever Get Involved Again With Another Married Man?

Hell no. One time is more than enough.

Being the other woman is not as fun as some people make it out to be. Plus the constant looking over my shoulders for fear his wife will pull up on me again and try to beat my ass is taking a toll on my mental health. I need to get back the balance and harmony I had in my life before I met this married man. That is exactly what I intend to do.

As The Other Woman, What Advice Do You Have For Women Who Find Themselves In A Similar Relationship With A Married Man?

Get out as fast as you can. Do it now before it’s too late for you to leave.

As The Other Woman, Do You See Yourself Ever Falling In Love Again?

For sure.

I am a hopeless romantic at heart. I love love. I love being in love. I loved being loved by the man I am in love with.

This is why it was so hard for me to leave him. I knew that he loved me just as much as I loved him. I didn’t want to let him go for fear that I would never find love again.

Slowly but surely my baby is helping me to get over that fear. In the end I do think I am going to keep my baby. I love this baby so much already and I just can’t picture life without my baby in it.

As The Other Woman, Do You Think This Experience Has Caused You To Have Trust Issues With Men Going Forward?

Not at all. I know not all men are liars and cheaters. I just need to take my time and really get to know a man first before making any kinds of commitments to him.

As The Other Woman, I Do Not Deserve All This Condemnation.

I was living my life and going about my day as normal when this married man came up to me. He is the one who seduced me with all his sweet words and actions.

I think I now know exactly what I want to do. Writing this has helped me to clear the fog in my head. I am going to end our relationship permanently. I am going to keep my baby. And I am not going to tell him about his child.

When my baby is all grown up, I will tell my child the truth. From now on, it will be just me and baby until the man who is right for me comes along.

A man who will earn my love and trust with his honesty, not with lies and manipulation.


1. How To Become Any Man’s Secret Obsession.

2. Men Will Commit With This Cinderella Solution.

3. How To Get Your Ex Back Really Fast.

