What to Expect with the Raiders in Las Vegas

Nick Schreck
Let’s Talk Fantasy Football
2 min readMay 3, 2017

That’s right, Las Vegas is finally getting a NFL home-team. Not a fantasy team, a real one!

The Oakland Raiders have decided to take up residence in sin-city after their lease is up.

This Las Vegas NFL team could cost the taxpayers in Nevada up to 750 million this year, not that you care as a fantasy football player.

The Raiders plan to use a temporary stadium until they can have a new one built in the year 2020. No word yet on if it will include slot machines (we’re kidding, kind of).

What Took So Long?

For years executives at the NFL didn’t particularly want a Las Vegas NFL team as the fear was that the games would be compromised in the vicinity of legal gambling.

After a ton of discussion and years of getting other owners and the league to warm up to the idea, NFL owners voted 31–1 in favor of the move.

It will be interesting to see how having an NFL team in Las Vegas will impact the players and the league, but one thing is for sure: it will be interesting.

The Las Vegas Stadium

The proposed Las Vegas Raiders stadium won’t be on the strip. Cost estimations have it at 1.9 billion dollars and it will feature a retractable field, that can move in and outside the building.

The stadium has inspired the birth of a raiders-themed brothel as well. It wouldn’t surprise us to see the theme of Raiders and other NFL places be created.

Las Vegas NFL Policies

A recent event held in Las Vegas put some current NFL gambling policies to the test. The event was an arm-wrestling contest in which football players participated.

The NFL didn’t like that. They said that participation in this contest was in violation of their gambling policies.

Those gambling policies aren’t going to change just because of the Raiders move, they say. The NFL did mention that they’d be willing to make changes to them if need be though (which is about as unclear as it gets).

Basically, what we know is that the NFL has no idea what to do about having a team in the gambling capital of the US. You can expect to hear a lot more about this topic in the future.

NFL Issues with Crime

Crimes go up in quantity when it’s game day, according to studies. This could be an increasing problem due to the new location of the team and stadium.

The study shows that game day crimes cost the city an extra $86,000 on average.

Are you a Raiders fan or a Nevada resident? Let us know how you feel about becoming Raider’s…or not.

