Moiz Bilwani
Let’s Talk Politics
3 min readAug 31, 2015


GOP Base, Blinded by Love

Over the past few weeks, the GOP’s race to the nomination has been nothing but entertainment. With Donald Trump leading the polls and all the others trying (and failing) to take him down, it has been nothing but insults being hurled around. While the media has been having a ball, the reputation of the Republican party is being tarnished. As Hillary Clinton said the other day “the Party of Lincoln has become the Party of Trump.” While I disagree with Hillary Clinton on a lot of issues, she had a point.

All of a sudden, the GOP base has been infatuated with the Donald (I’m sorry but Donald Duck would make a better president of the US than Donald Trump). This is a guy who has amassed a massive fortune through his business skills and acumen but this is also a guy who’s called Mexicans rapists, insulted the vets and upon being questioned by Megyn Kelly suggested she was having her period. If anyone running for President, and I mean anyone, did that, one would imagine their poll numbers would crash faster than the World Trade Centre. But, Donald Trump is not just anyone. Despite these “slips,” he’s not just maintained his front runner position, he has strengthened it further.

It is fairly obvious that Donald Trump is not going to win the GOP nomination. It is merely a case of a summer fling and we all know that summer flings don’t really last. It is only a matter of time the GOP base realizes that this is a man who’s claimed that he gets his national security advice from “Sunday Morning Shows.” It is the same man who’s insulted Fox, CNN, Wall Street Journal, Des Moines Register, Forbes and Univision and yet, whenever a poll from these organizations shows him in a lead, they are credible organizations. It is almost as if anyone who speaks foul of the man is all of a sudden a failed organization or person but, when they praise him, they are back in the good books almost instantly. This is a man who couldn’t make up his mind on whether he loves Fox or hates Fox after having gone back and forth more than 18 times over the course of the week. So, begs the question, is this the man to lead negotiations with China?

Under these circumstances, I can’t even lay full blame to the man himself. The GOP base is being blinded by love for a man they believe is coming to save the country on a white horse, because he would naturally claim brown and black horses to be either rapists or druggies. They believe that his “truth telling” antics is what is needed to stamp the US authority over the world. Needless to say, they are wrong. The faster they realize that, the better for the Republican Party. Because all he’s done for the Republicans is have them focus less on policy and more on “who’s got the best insult.”

Simply put, the GOP will not win the White House with Donald Trump as the face of the party (hell, they won’t even be remotely competitive). So, its about time he gets fired from being the frontrunner of the Republican nomination for the President of the United States of America.

