Girl on Girl Temptation

Mahina Nani
Let’s Talk Sex
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2019

It was a Friday night in Seattle. I was traveling and had just finished a long and exhausting few days of work. I was mentally drained and wanted to go out and enjoy the night. My boyfriend flew up to join me the night before and we decided to go to the W cocktail bar at our hotel. We ordered hors d’oeuvres and a few rounds of cocktails. As the night grew late the bar filled and we made our way to a cocktail lounge booth close to the small dance floor.

A small group of people walked in the door. A woman wearing a tight dress confidentially walked onto the dance floor and began dancing with her friends. I was discreetly watching her. We made eye contact twice, each time I looked away. I could see her in my peripheral vision, she continued to dance, slowly moving her body, while staring at me and waiting for me to look back in her direction. I refrained for as long as I could. I could tell she wanted me to watch her.

She could feel I was attracted to her and she wanted to tease me, to tempt me and turn me on. She knew before I was even able to acknowldge and admit it to myself. I began wondering if bisexual was written all over my face. It’s something I hadn’t explored very much. I didn’t label myself as bisexual or share with many people that I’m attracted to women.

I looked her direction once more. She had a seductive look on her face and danced her way over to me. She said hello and told me she knew I was watching her. She asked if I like why I see. I smiled but shyly didn’t respond.

She sat down between me and my bf, placed her hand on the back of my neck pulling me toward her and she began kissing me.

She asked “you like girls, don’t you?”

I was perplexed on how she knew. I didn’t respond but I continued to kiss her. I always fantasized about a moment like this. One where a beautiful woman would take control and come onto me. I loved it. I was extremely aroused and all of the background noise began to fade. I began to go into a state of euphoria focusing only on the woman kissing and touching me. She stradled me and was touching me over my clothes. My sub consciousness was completely paused. My body was tingling.

I was in public where my fellow co-workers could have walked in or been sitting at the bar. But there I was, completley englufed in the moment of this woman who wanted me so badly, I think mostly because she intuitively knew how badly I wanted her. I could tell it turned her on. It felt like a game of teasing me and I was not opposed to it.

She told me she was at the lounge with her bf who was sitting two booths over. She ensured me he doesn’t mind and suggested her and I go back to my hotel room. I was reluctant and had doubts that he may not be as open as she portrayed him to be. I was also with my boyfriend, who is completely open and aware of my inexperienced desire to sexually be with women. My conciousness kicked back in and I began to question my choices and what it would mean for the guys if we went back to my room. Would we have a threesome? Would her boyfriend join? Something I hadn’t discussed the possibility of in my relationship or if I even knew if I was open to another man joining us. I started to mentally pull myself back from what could have been an unforgettable night of pleasure.

After about 30 minutes of our make out session and very hot but inappropriate public behavior, we ended up going our separate ways.

I still fantasize where that night could have gone. I wish I would have taken her back to the room. The possibilities of what could have happenend …

Would I have taken her back to my room if I was alone? Am I even more shy when my man is around? If both of our boyfriends weren’t there I feel like I would have given into the tempation.

Now I can only fantasize …

