Demand meets growth

Tech and Speculate
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2015

When demand meets growth. What happens? Let us look at some scenarios where we will have growth and demands.

The growing needs for transportation.

In big cities where the population is growing rapidly, the need for more convenient transportation is at high demand. As soon as the demand for transportation is higher valued as a thing needed rather than what the cost of the project is costing, the terms of how and where we build new transportation has no limits. (Here is a related article — No Cars — ).

What I simply am talking about is when something is highly appreciated and the cost of it does not matter.

The need for clean water.

The most obvious solution is available but too expensive. Someone already has been starting to use this solution. The solution is desalination, to remove the salt from saltwater and turning into freshwater. The technology is not a widespread, there are several solutions based on the same idea, some better than other.
I believe there should come a day where the technology is affordable and the cost for setting the infrastructure up lowers.
We should one day realize that the need for water is more demanding than money. The cost of it does not matter, it’s what it for that matter. And it should not only by consumed by us, but also by the forest or crop in an agriculture. Tubes and channels showing the way.

The need for electronic components.

Earth has its limits when it comes to resources. Especially resources used to make electronics. What happens when we get short in resources to make electronic components, catastrophe or innovation by people who understand the problem before it happens.
Myself can see three possible solutions happening, mainly because the need for electronics will only increase, the demand becomes higher, the demand meets growth.
- The first obvious solution is recycling, electronic becomes outdated, so we throw them in the garbage, why not recycle every bit of wasted electronics, so they can be reused in new electronics, this initiative should be embraced by the UN and with the rest of the global society.
- The second is discovering new materials good or better enough to be used in modern electronics, I can mention the material Graphene, what have become a very popular newly discovered material, not widely used, but it will be. This new material not only has worked and function well, there are also large supplies of it, only if not we have to repeat the process of using up the material and finding new. This material also has its limits.
- The third is about exploring space and discover waste amounts of resources on asteroids or planets. Companies are already in a phase where they are learning and testing the possibility of space mining. I personally think this is the best option, mainly because we get mining away from planet earth, in this way we can preserve our planet better.

These are some of the demands our species have to tackle when growth becomes the ruling factor.

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