When Size Matters

Tech and Speculate
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2015
The Parthenon is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece

When we are able to construct big blocks of construction. I am not talking about buildings, I am talking about everything but not buildings.
Looking at big vehicles like those they use in the mining industry, or take a look at the airplane industry, where these big machines are flying in the air. What I am thinking when I mention the airplane industry is security. What does it take to make them safe? I will tell you when we are able to construct security materials big enough to land an airplane on the ground when the engines malfunction in mid-air. Do you get the point? When size matter is when we as a humanity are being able to construct large object equivalent size of today buildings. What I mean “again” by large objects are things that we do not yet are being able to build like heavy high-tech spaceships to fit an entire small city. Spaceships I said to give an example. What else? Take a look at the movie Pacific Rim, where they fight giant alien monsters with big robots.
In this movie there are two things I would like to mention; first the obvious; The big robots; the second is the large wall they are creating to hold off alien monsters to cross over into our world. Isn’t it interesting looking at the movie picture and imagine that one day we would be able to create something in that size and matter. I think it is another revolution to come. It is another paradigm.

The implications by this sizeable industry revolution is a matter of our understanding of technologies. We must understand technologies as they are being developed. For now they seem so small to us, the technology, the size will rise gradually when it comes to large technological objects.

Not only large humongous objects but also sufficient enough to our habitat.

Electronics shrinks, but constructions that involve some type of high tech material will grow(not only buildings).

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