A ‘Book of Acts’ Christian life doesn’t happen by accident…

Mick Thinkalittle
Let’s Think About It…
3 min readMay 28, 2023


‘They were continually and faithfully devoting themselves to the instruction of the apostles, and to fellowship, to eating meals together and to prayers…

Day after day they met in the temple [area] continuing with one mind, and breaking bread in various private homes. They were eating their meals together with joy and generous hearts.’Acts 2:42,46 AMP

I say I want to live the true, full Christian life as modeled in the book of Acts. That doesn’t happen by accident or simply because of what I want to. My responsibility is to follow how they lived. That’s what discipleship is, emulating fully your Rabbi in thoughts, words and deeds in every situation. Becoming a closer and closer a replica of that person.

We in the west have reduced that concept to being a ‘student’ who just learns some facts, a few bullet points to write down from an engaging message. I believe this is a large part of we struggle so much to live out our faith in a way that produces a life like the early Christians.

So the question I ask myself is how close my life is to replicating what is modeled even in these 2 short verses…

Continually, faithfully, devoting — is this how others would describe my mindset based on the actions they see? Not on what I say, but on what I actually do.

Instruction — do I prioritise, welcome, seek instruction? Do I ask genuine questions to gain understanding of what the other person is offering? Or do I listen only until there’s a pause where I can jump in and justify my opinion?

Fellowship — how much time do I spend every week in real, raw community with other believers? Fellowship requires genuine connection where we share who we really are. Our struggles, joys, the mundane, laughing and crying, discussing scripture to share perspectives and how that impacts our daily life right now. Sharing meals was central to the life of early Christians for good reason, it creates the environment for that real fellowship. A brief coffee after church is, at best, a pale imitation of this.

Prayer — Is prayer my first love or last resort? Do I listen as much as I talk?

Continuing with one mind — Do I devote myself to unity based on the love of Jesus or do I focus on points of difference which create division?

Eat together in variety of places — Routine can be numbing. Eating in different places brings new perspectives and freshness to the incredible diversity and majesty of God’s creation. Sharing where we live is also a personal thing which extends trust and creates connection beyond the surficial.

Eating together with joy and generous hearts! — Are our meals together characterised by joy and generosity? Generosity here can mean physical generosity but it’s broader and deeper than that. Generosity of heart involves being willing to be vulnerable and share who I really am and being kind by seeing who someone else really is.

I’ve got plenty to work on. Recognising that is a fantastic opportunity to move closer to the life I want and the God wants for me!

What about you?



Mick Thinkalittle
Let’s Think About It…

Geophysicist by trade. Spent 16 years running listed ethical mineral exploration companies in developing countries and working against corruption.