letsbegenuine .com
letsbegenuine’s Journal
2 min readNov 17, 2016


Demonetization of 500 & 1000 Rs. notes in India.

DEMONETIZATION — Opt out of the blame game.

Demonetization hit us like a Tsunami, suddenly and forcefully. The big difference though, is that this one was welcomed by majority. The majority that comprises of the hard working middle class and the poor. It was embraced by the farmers, the maids, the daily wages workers, the vegetable vendors, small businessmen and corporate leaders. They all breathed a sigh of relief that night as they saw new promises, a new ray of hope, a hope for a better future. Probably for the first time since Independence, their fears and perpetual insecurities rested on the pillow of a possible secure future for their children. Their deep hidden and suppressed pain of being sidelined, marginalized, belittled, not being recognized enough for years together now found a vent.

But like every other decision, there were a few who felt completely shaken. They felt threatened overnight. Not just that, it was now their turn, the turn of the filthy rich, the super wealthy to feel insecure, blamed, criticized and sidelined. And the big blame game began…news channels flooded with never ending debates of whether this decision was right in the first place.

While all of this still continues, we believe that the Nation is at the threshold of witnessing a major breakthrough, a transformation that it has for so long been craving.This promises to be a major step towards freedom from corruption and hence a crucial step towards development.

We at LBG, join the nation at saluting our Hon’ble P.M. for his courage and conviction. However we are also very seriously self introspecting on how we could be part of this change process and contribute to its successful completion. We invite you to do the same while we share some of our thoughts.

We truly feel that blaming, criticizing and accusing anyone (or one another in this case) does not get us anywhere. Beneath the portrayed labels — ‘evil’, ‘corrupt’, ‘selfish’, ‘immoral’ lies just another human being. A being with the capacity to understand, love, realize, transform & protect, just like all of us.

Let us join in to support this decision, not by blaming and criticizing the wealthy or the commons but by extending our genuine vibrations of peace, love and power to all our fellow brothers. Irrespective of which side of the rope they are, in this ‘tug of war’, they all have a right to live. To live responsibly and wholly in a free society. With our empathy and purest vibrations filled with power, let’s make our little contribution to the Nation at a time when it is most needed.

Jai Hind!



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letsbegenuine’s Journal

Let's be genuine is the voice of our hearts that seek deep connection with ourselves & life. Meet us @ www.letsbegenuine.com