Hidden Heroes: Appreciating OpenSource Creators

Jonas Felix
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2017


Let’s appreciate OpenSource creators for who they are —the hidden heroes of our generation, the fount of tools enabling all of humanity to progress.

Yes they basically enable everything.
They are the real knights of this day and age.

Show me a service, company, technology or product you think is not making heavy usage of OpenSource — and I’ll show you where they do, I’ll show you the thousands of OpenSource creators that laid the foundation for their work.

And we’d like to bring those hidden heroes a bit closer to you, to us and to everyone — so all of us can appreciate them a bit more and learn from their wisdom.


Sitting on my terrace I’m listening to the interview of Flavie Laurens and Robert Leckenby with Kyle and small tears roll down my cheeks. But wait a second — I have to tell you why.

==> Find the article and video of Kyle’s interview here.

At the end of the 90s I was sitting on a little boat in France on a school trip. I had a SUSE Linux book with me with more than 400 pages that I read as if it was a fiction novel bringing me into a different world. A world, no one around me seamed to notice. And to me it was exactly that, a gate into another world. With one big difference, this world was actually real, became very important and eventually enabled me to get where I am today — sitting on this terrace, doing what I love and watching a video of my amazing team working on something I think is very important.

Even if in the video Flavie and Rob sometimes seem a bit tired ;-), they came out of it absolutely inspired. Both love to code and work with OpenSource, but they still just arrived at the gate of the cathedral of its real power.

Listening to them telling me about how awesome it was, and how important it was that they took more time to listen to Kyle, and how much they learned through this short segment, made me see again in what magical world they are working.

To Flavie Laurens and Robert Leckenby:
“Welcome to the real magic. Let’s harness the energy of this world to build something that lasts!”

The Mission Details

We want to invite OpenSource creators to our interviews, to bring forth their work, energy and wisdom.

The process we will follow:

  1. Get suggestions for creators to interview
  2. Reach out to the creators
  3. Compose a list of questions matching the creator involving all areas of life
  4. Do the interview, publish it on youtube and as a blog article
  5. Spread the word and build a community around it

The first simple goal is to hold at least one of these interviews each month. The long term goal is to foster this idea and build a community around it, collaborate with other content producers to make OpenSource heroes more visible.

We all want to make a dent in history and we believe the best way to do that is to create, share, teach, mentor and try to help us as humans to progress on our journey.

Follow us on Youtube, Twitter (Flavie, Rob, Jonas) or Facebook to see new material.



Jonas Felix

Full Stack Entrepreneur - on a creative journey after first successful exit. New tech, science, OpenSource, Software Development, Space Enthusiast, Skydiver...