Let’s play with ngx-avatar in Angular4

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2 min readJul 19, 2017
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What we will do today:

  • install ngx-avatar component using npm in your Angular4 project
  • implement it into the app
  • test various options
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In your terminal, go to your app folder and run the following command line to install the component ngx-avatar using npm:

npm install ngx-avatar --save


In your app module, import the AvatarModule and add it to NgModule:

In your app template, use the ngx-avatar tag to display your avatar(s) from your account(s). It is possible to get the avatar from Twitter, Google, Facebook, Skype, Vkontakte and Gravatar. Here are some examples:

Then run your app in your browser to see your work!

ng serve -o


Several options exist to customize your avatar in size, shape and colour. You can add name, value and style. Here is an example of a square-shaped avatar:

Check the official documentation for all the options.

That’s it ! Let’s try and get your avatar!

Thank you to haithem mosbahi for his great ngx-avatar library!

See you next time for another article about Angular4 ! Follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn or Medium and take a look at our letsboot.com medium article series.




Database and software developer, biology lover, scuba and free diver