OpenSource interview with Tara Z. Manicsic

Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2017

Today we have the pleasure to publish an other video from our series of interviews of people we consider to be modern day heroes: OpenSource developers.

Go to our youtube channel!

We had the chance to interview a dynamic young woman, Tara Z. Manicsic! Tara lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA and works as a developer advocate at Progress. She also is part of two major projects:

  • Cincy NodeSchool” that she co-founded in 2014 that helps support and grows the Node and Javascript community
  • and “Cincy Women Who Code” that she founded in 2015 for helping the community of women in tech in Cincinnati and surrounding areas.

Here is the list of 22 questions we asked to Tara:

  • Cats or Dogs?
  • If you could travel back in time to stop or remove one software project, which would it be?
  • When did you start coding?
  • Yarn or npm?
  • At which age should kids learn to code?
  • Which one of your projects is the most important for you?
  • Vim or Emacs?
  • What is the weirdest question you ever heard from a developer?
  • NgPrime, Material UI, Kendo UI or pure CSS?
  • What do you like the most about your job?
  • MacOS, Linux, OpenBSD or Windows ?
  • Who would you like to meet from the coding world?
  • You said in a recent interview that you don’t allow yourself gaming consoles, but do you think gaming can help to teach coding ?
  • While you seem to have worked a lot with JAVA, what is your take/opinion on the JS frameworks these days? React or Angular or Vue.js
  • Do your parents/relatives understand what you do?
  • Is there something you wouldn’t make OpenSource / Open Technology?
  • In one sentence, what is so great about Telerik and why should we use it?
  • ”Women Who Code” is already making waves, how do you see it growing
  • What opensource project do you think is underappreciated and should get more fame and attention?
  • How did you earn your first money ever?
  • Hiking, swimming or a good movie?
  • What non-Software Job would you do if a solar eruption ended the digital age?
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So thank you so much for your time and your enthusiasm Tara Z. Manicsic!

What’s Next ? We’ll do more OpenSource interview with great developers from the community!

Follow us on Youtube, Twitter and LinkedIn (Ben, Flavie, Jonas) or Facebook to get some news about our interviews and trainings!




Database and software developer, biology lover, scuba and free diver