Teaser: Backend with NodeJS, ExpressJS, Sequelize, PostgreSQL and … Typescript

Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2017

We have created a small application for one-day training with a FrontEnd in Angular4 and a NodeJS Backend. And in November we’ll do extended version with auth, payment and much more as a TypeScript Full-Stack Bootcamp. We’ll start with CRUD for the day training, and extend it to a full Start-Up app with auth, registration, payment, smartphone app and much more during the one-week camp.

Don’t worry if you can’t attend, read on !

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At first we use a simple Backend built on JSON server with a JSON file that provides the data we need to display a photo gallery. But after that we want to implement a “real Backend” with a “real Database”!

In order to make this JavaScript Backend, we used Node.js associated to the web application framework Express.js. We also implemented Sequelize as ORM and use PostgreSQL as relational database in the cloud.

What we will do:

  • Run a NodeJS server
  • Create a Picture model
  • Create a PostgreSQL database
  • Build routes for each action
  • Connect to the FrontEnd to our shiny backend
  • Deploy it to the cloud

But … because we use Typescript with the frontend in Angular4, we also wanted to use it in the backend! So we wrote the Backend in TypeScript and proper build process to compile it (tsc) to get JS files in a dist folder!

For everybody who can not join us in Switzerland, we will do a video series about it in our soon to be published letsboot.com learn platform. So stay tuned and subscribe to our Letsboot Medium and Youtube channels!

Follow us on Youtube, Twitter (Flavie, Rob, Jonas) or Facebook to see new material.




Database and software developer, biology lover, scuba and free diver