Mwenda Kinoti
Lets Drift
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2021



Dehydration is a common condition that may affect hikers at low and high altitudes. Inadequate water intake is the leading cause of dehydration.

It is normal to lose water from our bodies. Perspiration (sweating) is one way. Another would be expiration (breathing). Metabolic functions (energy production processes) in the body also result in water loss. Homeostatic processes (they maintain steady internal conditions) involve the loss of water from our bodies.

The conditions that expedite dehydration in the body are:

 Diabetes

 Vomiting and diarrhea (common in high altitude)

 Being in the sun for too long (heatstroke)

 Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine

 An elevated body temperature (like 38°C)

 Certain medications (like diuretics)

Hiking amplifies the effect of all these conditions. Common symptoms of dehydration are:

 Feeling thirsty

 Dark yellow and strongly smelling urine

 Urinating less than usual

 Dry mouth, lips, and eyes

 Dry skin

 Dizziness and light-headedness

 Fatigue

 Rapid heart rate

Here are a couple of control mechanisms for dehydration on the trail:

 Hydrate frequently on the days before and after the hike.

 During the hike, don’t wait to get thirsty so you can drink.

 Make water easily accessible by using the appropriate hydration gear. A water bladder is best as you don’t have to stop to drink your water. Get a reusable water bottle if you don’t have a water bladder. A water purifier is essential for longer trips.

 Hydration tablets, oral rehydration salts (ORS), or electrolyte sports beverages can improve fluid retention.

 Limit intake of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks before the hike.

 Eat snacks! They contain sodium and potassium, which help in water retention.

 Keep assessing your body for the signs listed above. Let the hiking guide know if they persist.

Always make sure you are taking treated water, especially if you are fetching it from a source along the trail.

Water plays a crucial role in the functioning of our bodies. This role amplifies when we engage in physical activities like hiking. It is therefore essential to keep hydration at a healthy level throughout a hike.



Mwenda Kinoti
Lets Drift

Living outdoors is what I love to do and what I would like to see more people do.