Hiking Essentials: What You Need on The Trail

Mwenda Kinoti
Lets Drift
Published in
5 min readApr 19, 2020
Hiking Kijabe; Photo by Steve

Hiking is an advanced form of walking. This means that to go out hiking, one needs to carry more equipment than you would take on a stroll. Sometimes, hiking may take place over several days walking through treacherous terrain and unpredictable weather. Having the right gear is the thin line between having a successful and satisfying hike and an uncomfortable and unhealthy experience. What you should carry varies depending on factors such as duration of the hike, distance to be covered, the difficulty of the terrain, weather forecasts, other activities you might do along the way such as swimming, rock climbing, camping, cooking, picnicking, photography, etc. This is a non-comprehensive description, a guideline to what you should plan to take with you.

An important part of hiking is what you wear. Clothes are your armor against the elements. Most people hike when the sun is overhead. A cap, sunglasses, and sun protection skincare products can go a long way to protect your skin. Sweat-wicking polyester or cotton T-shirts or vests are recommended because they dry easily when you sweat or soak in a storm. A wind jacket comes in handy for windy weather; it will protect you from the cold. If the trail is alpine or during winter, wearing more layers is a recommendable act: You can wear a thermal T-shirt, polyester T-shirt, fleece jacket, down jacket, a shell jacket, and a fleece cap, depending on the temperature and level of activity.

These Rotractors were well prepared for their hike at Mt. Kenya

Wearing shorts is a good way to dress the legs during hikes because they can handle heat and wetness better. You sweat less and have the advantage of flexibility. You can wear long pants or tights too. If the weather is cold, you can wear multiple layers. Jeanswear, official wear, and dresses are a big don’t.

Dressing your feet is an important part of hiking because this is the most vital body part for hiking. Boots offer the most comfort and protection because of the thick soles and walls, waterproof qualities, and ankle support. Wear boots with thick polyester or cotton socks. Trail runners are lighter than boots and have a bigger advantage in instances where you might have to pass through deeper water. You may or may not wear socks with trail runners according to your preference. Gaiters prevent rocks, sticks, or soil from getting into your shoes. Sandals are better for the same reasons as trail runners but offer less protection and comfort. Whatever you choose to wear, it should be a prudent decision based on information about the trail.

Hiking Boots, Photo by Alex Kamau

Everything else you will need for the hike you will carry in a backpack. Hiking backpacks are designed with a good back support frame, well-cushioned and adjustable shoulder straps, chest and waist straps. This is to make sure the backpack does not shake when you hike. It may also have; special pockets like a pouch for a water bladder, easily accessible pockets on the waist straps and shoulder straps, rainproof material or with a rain cover, good weight balancing, and so on. It can make a world of difference to have the right one.

In your backpack are things that are vital to your well-being and others that you can do without. Always carry water. Dehydration, which should not be confused with thirst, can be taxing. Use a hydration bladder for easier access to the water. If you do not have a hydration bladder, a reusable water bottle is sufficient. Snacks help to keep your spirits and energy levels up. You can have some fruits, sandwiches, protein bars, nuts, biscuits. You are free to play around with your menu.

Navigation is always important if you want to find your way back home or keep time as per your itinerary. You may use a smartphone, or a GPS device, or a topographical map and a compass depending on where you are going. Some trails are well marked, highly populous, and/or hard to get lost. However, having a guide will take care of this problem too. Rain protection is worth carrying every time just in case of a surprise shower. If not, you better have a change of clothes in that backpack!

Ngong Hills, Photo by Rebecca Natocho

Besides that, it helps to have survival tools such as a whistle, a lighter, flashlight or headlamp, extra batteries, power-bank, knife, first aid kit, a rope, and trekking poles, depending on where you will be hiking. Hiking in a group means you are less likely to need all these as different people pack different gear. You may carry luxury items such as a camera, binoculars, a watch, swimming trunks, climbing shoes, hammock, anything that will see you have a good time. If you will be camping, have a tent or a hammock, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, toiletries, and any other appropriate camping gear. Hiking can be personalized to fit a wide range of interests.

All these items are available in most supermarkets, sports houses, and other dedicated stores. However, buying online gives the widest range of variety. Doing research online and asking experienced people can help you get value for your money as you start but to come across the best gear for you might take a while. In case you find yourself underequipped for a hike, it is always possible to hire or borrow gear.

All these items will improve your comfort in your journey, but the true secret behind successful hiking is an adventurous spirit for with that, you can hike around the world naked, but without it, you might not take the first step.



Mwenda Kinoti
Lets Drift

Living outdoors is what I love to do and what I would like to see more people do.