How to stay ready for a hike

Mwenda Kinoti
Lets Drift
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2020
Mountains to conquer

You can get anywhere on land by foot if you have the time. Mountain tops, sandy deserts, equatorial forests, rift valleys, subterranean caverns, and many wonders of the world are just steps’ reach away. For every type of hiker, whether you are a beginner who hikes for a few hours only or a professional who can stay on a trail for months doing sports, scientific research, military training, or just for thrills, there exists an adventure with spiritual, mental and physical rewards out there. To enjoy these rewards requires one to be well prepared. The following practices, if incorporated in your lifestyle, will enable you to savor the sweetness of the outdoor sauce.


A vegetable caserole
vegetables are an amazing diet option

To begin with, you have to build and fuel your body. Besides eating well while you hike, it is equally important when you are not hiking. Eating three meals of a balanced diet every day provides sufficient material for the growth and development of a human body. However, specialized meal plans can yield better results for mass gaining, strength, endurance, immunity, etc. These meal plans can be prepared for you by fitness trainers, nutrition specialists, doctors, or by yourself through proper research. What we eat is the basic building block of our physical being.

Exercise and rest

yoga is a great way to keep body and mind in shape

Working out regularly works in conjunction with good nutrition to foster physical development. An easy form of exercise such as stretching can create a world of difference in your mood, energy, and focus for any activity. Stretch immediately when you wake up to get your blood flowing well and stretch again before you sleep to relax your muscles. Stretch before you start hiking to reduce the chance of injury and stretch after to begin your recovery. Also, do different types of exercises such as running, swimming, cycling, weight lifting, yoga, and field games regularly to stay fit. After doing such activities, it is necessary to rest so that the body can recover and develop. The most crucial and commonly practiced method of resting is sleeping. Other resting practices you can try are meditation, massage, spa, or light stretching. The key is to avoid overindulging your body lest you cause more harm than good.

Research and planning

just so you do not get lost or arrested for breaking laws, read!

With mastery of this nutrition and exercise, your body is well built to brave the harsh elements of the outdoors. Unfortunately, you are not ready to go there yet. You have to prepare the mind by researching and planning. Some things you need to know are such as where to go, how to get there, weather and the seasons, required equipment, legal requirement, accommodation, cost, etc. Help form a guide or tour and travel agency can help to smooth all those bureaucratic processes for you. After doing all the due diligence, you may go now.


Ngong Hills is a common trail for practicing hiking in Kenya

Sometimes you might do research and find that you can’t go there yet. Perhaps you are still physically underprepared or underequipped. Maybe you do not meet legal requirements such as age or certification. Even time constraints can stop you. In this case, punch not above your weight. Bid your time and keep preparing. The most effective way to prepare for a hike is by hiking. Doing a less demanding hike will help you to get ready for a more intense hike by preparing you physically and psychologically. You get to network with equipment vendors, guides, travel companies, and other enthusiasts. This is also a chance for you to test your equipment, break your boots, and find your style in a safe environment. It is the best way to learn your limits and find out what works best for you.


The last step of preparing for a hike is packing. For simple hikes, it might take as little as 10 minutes to get ready. Some expeditions are more complicated and take months or even years to put everything that is required together. As a beginner and/or for the simplest hike, you should make sure you pack a day before. Here is an article I wrote about what you should pack.

These activities, when done well, enable one to enjoy the time spent off the beaten path. Preparing to hike is not a whimsical agenda. It is an act of prudence, patience, and active engagement.



Mwenda Kinoti
Lets Drift

Living outdoors is what I love to do and what I would like to see more people do.