Go see Rocketman. Don’t be a bummer.

katie welcome
let’s get famous
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2019

Rocketman (2019)

i have to admit i didn’t know much about this movie going into it. like “wait this is a musical?” didn’t know much. i also have to admit i know very little about Elton John. like “oh he’s not dead?” very little. which after google auto-filled “when did elton john” with “die” and “pass away” it seems quite a few other people thought as well. you could say there were a few surprises.

i could write an entire blog post on the audience and their reactions. the movie started at 7:30, but when we went in at 7:08, the place was packed and we had to sit in the front row like a bunch of amateurs. (is there no such thing as frequent flyer miles for theatre seats?) we brought the average age of the audience down probably 15 years. some couple clapped in sync when Linda Hamilton came on screen during a preview. there was lots of weird laughing, some singing along, odd commentary here and there. ok better stop or i will end up writing this whole thing about them.

baseball and piano — two of my favorite things

this movie has so much to offer. incredible music, great dance numbers, iconic outfits, rocky relationships with parents, lovers, business partners. a friendship most of us can only ever dream of — we all need a Bernie to our Elton. seriously who has a friend for 50 years, let alone never has an argument with said friend? i barely go 50 minutes.

friendship goals

i’ll be listening to Elton John all day if anyone needs me. might mess around and play a little piano later #inspired. we are seriously so lucky to have musicians and artists like him and Bernie in the world. without music, life would be so different, slightly empty, very quiet.

life is full of chances. this is one of yours.



katie welcome
let’s get famous

kentucky born & indy living. former horse girl, future professional jigsaw puzzler. go irish.