“I have nothing to prove to you.” Happy International Women’s Day, Captain Marvel

Katie Swanson
let’s get famous
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2019

It’s International Women’s Day, and here at LGF we can think of no better way to spend it than by heading to your local theater to see Brie Larson kick ass in Captain Marvel. We have a long way to go before we dismantle the patriarchy, but hey, it’s a start?

I went to see Captain Marvel last night with the Marvel nerds (a term I use with the utmost respect) and needless to say, I loved it.

Actual photo of my souvenir ticket AKA new bookmark.

It’s too early to post a review, so here are a few (spoiler-free) stray thoughts in the meantime:

  • This is an origin story movie, but it’s less formulaic than you might expect. I was pleased with how the pacing and story were handled (some Marvel movies feel way too long). The action starts right away and with the help of memory flashbacks, we piece together the story alongside Captain Marvel.
  • The ’90s references are wonderfully aplenty (but not overkill). Forever in our hearts, Blockbuster.
  • Annette Bening wears a leather bomber jacket the whole movie and at one point dances while Nirvana plays…I don’t know a better person!
  • Speaking of Annette Bening, I would do anything to have her call me “Ace.” So that’s a new goal I didn’t know I had!
  • At one point, there is a flashback where young Carol is shown driving a go-kart, which immediately reminded me of when Brie Larson starred as junior drag racer Courtney Enders in the Disney Channel Original Movie Right On Track. (Consider this my official litmus test to determine if you’re a *real* Brie Larson fan).
  • Everyone clapped in my theater during the Stan Lee cameo and it was very, very sweet.
  • This movie, like so many others, does not pass the situational hairstyle test. There are times when Carol is sporting pulled-back hair, but never when running, jumping, and fighting as Captain Marvel. I guess since much of the movie takes place in outer space they were keen for us to experience some flowing, glowing, zero-gravity hair moments.
Yes, in a movie about superheroes and aliens, THIS is where I draw the line on realism. Give her some butterfly clips!!
  • Keep an eye out for a sequence where Captain Marvel has what I’m just going to describe as cannon hands? And then let me know if you agree that it reminded you a lot of Mega Man. Thanks!!
  • A cat named Goose (who was played by 4 different cats per the credits!) got screentime the likes of which we haven’t seen since Inside Llewyn Davis.
  • The Captain Marvel suit has a pretty sweet forearm-keypad-RGB-color -picker equivalent. I know we’re dealing with aliens in this movie but damn, they are so much more advanced than us EVEN IN THE ’90s. Remember when Tony Stark had to spend like a billion R&D dollars to make his suit glow?
  • There is a montage sequence that almost veers (pun alert!) into could-be-a-Nike-commercial, but it’s so empowering and perfect that IT WORKS.
  • My favorite line (moment?) from the movie is indicated in the title of this post: “I have nothing to prove to you.”
  • 10/10 for the post-credit scenes. I may have screamed during the first one.

This movie had a lot to cover in order to a) educate the public about Captain Marvel and b) tie in all of the appropriate references and setup that were necessary for the rest of the Marvel universe storylines — and they pulled both off pretty well.

In conclusion, I have Brie Larson on such a pedestal that it literally did not matter what happened in the movie, I was going to love it. So Brie Larson fans are in for a treat. Happy International Women’s Day!


