Join Us Saturday for a Conversation on Men’s Wellness

Evan J. Mastronardi
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2021

“He would be hot if he’s was taller.”

You know you’re a big guy, right?”

“I’m just thinking of us in the future when you’re taller.”

“Hey, didn’t realize you were this short.

“Yeah sucks people make an issue about height, and sorry to hear you went though that, but um, just curious, how short are you??”

These, and many more, are comments I’ve heard all my life — from middle school through college, crushes, liberal romantic interests, coworkers, and college professors alike.

As a man who is short and had a growth hormone deficiency, not getting treatment for it until it was too late and my bones had already set, these remarks literally added insult to injury without people knowing I actually had a potential to be taller. And that I would always wonder how my life would have been different if I was.

But I never opened about it. Because people never cared. Because I wanted to appear strong and confident, as I already felt I had 2 strikes against my masculinity. Also because I didn’t want to add fuel to sexist men who blame women as an entire gender instead of patriarchy and gender norms that everyone, including women, can perpetuate. I always wanted to do a photo shoot and take a picture like you see there, send to modeling/casting agency, but it took me until I was 30 because I internalized these comments. That my height negated attractiveness. And anything that my face — or any other part physical or in personality — had to offer.

But as I got older, and occasionally heard the terms “men’s mental health” and “body positivity,” and “men’s emotional spectrum,” I decided to speak up more and add to these discussions. It took me until my late 20s to get there. Many men older and younger than me, with all different carefully disguised insecurities, are still on that journey.

I would like to thank Nusrat Alam Jo’rell Lyrical Whitfield and inviting me to speak to men on these issues, in a healthy way. And in a space where they will be heard.

Join us this Saturday. Link below. Code ALLY for 25% off.

Let’s be multidimensional men. And Let’s Not Be Trash.



Evan J. Mastronardi

Editor-in-Chief “There is no other pill to take, so swallow the one that made you ill.”- Zach de la Rocha.“My neck, my back, my Netflix, my snacks.”- Anonymous