10 Best Mobile App Landing Page Design Inspiration & Examples

Mia Jacobs
Published in
5 min readJul 17, 2020

Most reports and statistics indicate that only a small percentage of websites are really able to convert their website visitors into business. For most website landing pages the business conversion rate is around 2%. Mobile app landing pages also do not perform too well for most businesses.

But some leading apps and their landing pages really work well. What is the chemistry of the success of their landing pages? To understand this, we have picked some of the most successful mobile app landing pages across the industry. But before that we would like to spare a few words on the effective tips for designing mobile landing pages.

  • Name and Logo: A catchy brand name and a visually appealing yet simple logo is the first thing you need.
  • Headline: The landing page should have a bold, clear and catchy headline that can instantly make a meaningful appeal.
  • Subheading: There should be a above the fold subheading that explains the heading.
  • Integrated Video: This is an optional feature but can play an important role in explaining what the landing page is all about and the benefits of the user.
  • Call To Action: A call to action (CTA) can appear on the landing page as a button leading the user to another page or just a contact form. Ultimately it converts business.

Let us now provide here the top mobile app landing page examples.


With a bigger logo that fits the design perfectly and the subtle use of animation with the logo gives an eye-catchy feel to the landing page. The simple and effective design coupled up with animation clearly displays the purpose of the app. The simple Download button as CTA is just perfect.


The logo is exceptionally simple and clearly connects the app purpose. The repeat action of the Orange colour throughout the design gives a consistent feeling. The images are attention grabbing and meaningful. The subheading ‘Stress less. Move more. Sleep Soundly.’ takes users to the heart of the purpose and describes the app well.

Learn: Mobile App UI Design For The Future: 7 Principles To Follow


The logo using the circular clearly tells about the app’s purpose. The meaningful heading ‘Get Slowly’ tells you to get the app and at the same time to make pen friends slowly. With smart copywriting this mobile landing page stands out.


Logo is not too eye-catching but with a small check mark it tells the purpose of the app. The ‘Watch in action’ button is quite appealing and most importantly upon clicking the button a video is played describing the purpose of the app. It offers a lot of features. The video is useful to describe all these features.


The CTA which is just a single field entire contact form keeps things minimalist. The button text ‘Get Started- Free Forever’ clearly defines the value proposition of the app. The chat icon visible with stark contrast with the background grabs attention easily.


The app creating 8 different icons for 8 main app functions smartly describes the app features. With minimalist use of icons and orientation with the app purpose the Uber app landing page clearly stands out. The CTA text that changes upon clicking creates the right context for right user action. For example, the button text ‘Sign-up to drive’ calls drivers to earn by registering for the service, while ‘Request now’ and ‘Schedule for later’ are for users to book a ride now or later.


The app name ‘Keeply’ clearly visible on the top left corner quickly orients the users with the purpose of the app. The simplicity and clear purpose quite easily come out.

Since it is an app for keeping personal data, photos, videos, bank details, etc. the name just suits the app. The central image in the midst of the landing page clearly displays the app purpose.


The app name Netflix which is coming together on the Internet and Flicks clearly tells the app purpose and what it does. The background consisting of the poster of various popular movies just puts forth what the app is all about in simplest terms.


Glovo comes with a heading that just makes it stand apart. The heading that says “Anything in Shymkent v“ is actually actionable. You can just click on Shymkentv and instantly a drop-down menu opens showing various city names where the Glovo services are available. This is a truly unique way to tell people where they can look for their required services. The use of images to depict the services is also very smart. For example, just by clicking on food images you will be taken to another page where you can shop foods and get them delivered at your place.


Camera+2 by using a pitch-black background just stands apart from the competition by changing the common practice of using various shades. The stark contrast also gives the app a stunningly smart look. It clearly comes with a very minimalistic background and look and feel that stays with you for some time.


Mobile app landing pages have emerged as the latest tools for business conversion. Since the vast majority of people access services through mobile apps, these landing pages enjoy far better traction and engagement. Mobile landing pages will continue to remain at the very core of digital marketing. The above examples just prove us right.



Mia Jacobs

A Technology lover and a strong believer in dedication, I keep on scanning my surrounding to learn something new every day. More Visit - https://www.cmarix.com/