Cooper’s Revolution (And How I Failed to Act Quickly Enough)

Taresh Vohra
Letter from Taro
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2020

This blog took me 14 months to start writing, but here I am. It is about the famous 1922 font Cooper Black, or Coopers, as I shortly call it.

The basic premise of this article was meant to question the omnipresence of this quirky font. “Why is it on so many shops in my city?”, “Why is this such a global phenomenon?”, “Why is nobody else talking about this?”… were some questions that I had meant to ask, and hopefully answer. However, I have been beaten to this by Vox, who made a wonderful video on the topic.

So since I haven’t currently anything new to add, here’s simply a few signs around, set in Coopers. (Look around, you’ll find loads of these as well!)

This blog is a note to me: don’t wait.

