All the single ladies…

Maria Niță
Letters and numbers
2 min readOct 25, 2014


… and gents.

Being single is not a bad thing and it doesn’t define who you are.

Lately we hear a lot about the gender gap, especially in fields like science and engineering. I’m not sorry to break this to you, but we don’t divide people only by their sex. Relationship status, sexual orientation, religion, beliefs — sounds familiar? We judge. We take sides.

I’m going to talk about a first world problem: relationship status. You may be inclined to think it’s a superficial “problem”, which can be solved with a good movie and ice-cream. No. If you don’t see it… you just made my point.

I want to point out 4 things:

When are you going to find someone?

a question more and more people fear to hear from their close ones.

It’s great that they care. But why don’t we ask about the important things? What about your aspirations, your plans?!

Yes, it’s amazing to have someone with whom you can build a bubble only for the two of you. In this pursuit, being sincere with yourself will help you more than any other advice or inspirational quote.

Friends, start asking the right questions and support your friend. Let her/him make mistakes, cry over them, go out on dates… search.

The worst prison would be a closed heart.

Don’t wait for another person to say what you should feel. Don’t let others find sense in your gestures. Don’t convict yourself behind “if(s)“ .

Feel comfortable being single

otherwise you risk living through your relationships, instead of them living through you.

Appreciate what you have and don’t take it for granted.

Everything has a good and a bad part. Go and make the best out of it. Be the best version of yourself.

I’ve been single for a couple of years, it was hard and fun. I can say now that I know myself better than ever, and I learnt to like myself. Knowing what I want helped me grow.

P.S.: I started writing this article a few months ago, meanwhile there’s a “we” in my life, so all these have affected the article, but I hope in a good way.


